In order to join First North Growth Market or become a Certified Adviser (CA), applications have to be signed and submitted to the Exchange.
All forms that are included in the application for a new listing on First North Growth Market shall go through the Nasdaq Listing Center. Other application forms can be found below.
The Company shall notify the Certified Adviser in respect of main changes, new interim shares, equity rights and other similar events using the templates presented below. The Certified Adviser is responsible for notifying the Exchange which undertakes to disseminate the information to the market. The templates below should be completed by the Certified Adviser and submitted to First North MTF, as soon as possible, not later than five days in advance when it regards listing of a new trading instrument.
In order to join First North Bond Market, applications have to be signed and submitted to the Exchange.
All forms that are included in the application for a new listing on First North Bond Market shall go through the Nasdaq Listing Center. Other application forms can be found below.
Stockholm: Josefine Gunnarsdottir Lagerqvist, Head of Listing Qualifications +46 8 405 7919Gustav Liljekvist, Head of Trading Surveillance +46 8 405 6290
Copenhagen: Jakob Kaule, Head of Surveillance +45 33 93 33 66 +45 33 77 04 59
Helsinki: Susanna Tolppanen, Head of Surveillance +358 9 6166 7260
Iceland: Brynja Þrastardóttir, Baldvin Ingi Sigurðsson, Surveillance +354 525 2810
Stockholm: Josefine Gunnarsdottir Lagerqvist, Head of Listing Qualifications +46 8 405 7919Gustav Liljekvist, Head of Trading Surveillance +46 8 405 6290
Copenhagen: Jakob Kaule, Head of Surveillance +45 33 93 33 66 +45 33 77 04 59
Helsinki: Susanna Tolppanen, Head of Surveillance +358 9 6166 7260
Iceland: Brynja Þrastardóttir, Baldvin Ingi Sigurðsson, Surveillance +354 525 2810
General Listing Forms
- Appendix A -Information that shall be included in the agreement between the Certified Adviser and the Issuer (EN)
- Appendix B – Information regarding new or changed Designated Contact Persons
- Appendix C - Industry Classification Benchmark (EN)
- Appendix D – Information to be included in the Prospectus or Company Description
- Appendix E - Acceptance form for the use of personal data
- Appendix F – Nasdaq First North Premier Segment
- Appendix G - Application for trading on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market Segment
- Company Logo Authorization Form (EN)
- Sanctions Screening Information Request Form (EN)
- Liite A – Hyväksytyn neuvonantajan ja liikkeeseenlaski-jan väliseen sopimukseen sisällytettävät tiedot
- Liite B – Tiedot uusista yhteyshenkilöistä tai yhteyshen-kilömuutoksista
- Liite C - Hyväksytyn Neuvonantajan ja Yhtiön välinen sopimus (ENG)
- Liite D – Listalleottoesitteeseen tai yhtiöesitteeseen si-sällytettävät tiedot
- Liite E - Uudet yhteyshenkilöt ja yhteyshenkilömuutokset (FI)
- Liite F - ICB-toimialaluokitus (FI)
- Liite G - Hakemus kaupankäynnin kohteeksi ottamisesta Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market - segmentille
- Liite H - Henkilötietolomake (FI)
- Liite K - Hakemus Yhtiölle First North Premier (FI)
- Laskutustietolomake (FI)
- Yhtiöesitteen tarkistuslista (FI)
- Ansvarsförsäkran från Styrelsen (SE)
- Delisting Company (EN)
- Delisting BTA (EN)
- Name Change of Company (EN)
- Change of Certified Adviser (EN)
- ICB Appeal (EN)
- ISIN Change (EN)
- New Equity Right for Trading (EN)
- Trading in TR and BTA (EN)
- Trading in UR and BTU
- Last Day of Trading Option Right
- New Liquidity Provider
- Change of Liquidity Provider
Listing Forms - Stockholm
- Company Logo Authorization Form (EN)
- Sanctions Screening Information Request Form (EN)
- ICB Classification (EN)
- ICB Appeal (EN)
- Admission Form A - Request to initiate admission process (EN) (from 11 October 2021)
- Admission Form B - Request for admission assessment (EN) (from 1 June 2022)
- Admission Form C - Application for admission to trading (EN) (from 1 June 2022)
- Admission Form D - Request for admission of shares to trading (FN) (from 1 June 2022)
- Issuer’s Undertaking Shares (EN)
- Förbindelse aktier (SE)
- Noteringsansökan interimspapper (TR/BTA etc) (SE)
Listing Forms – Helsinki
Listing Forms - Iceland
- Umsókn um töku hlutabréfa til viðskipta
- Request for admission of shares to trading
- Request to begin procedure for admission of shares to trading – Main Market
- Umsókn um töku hlutabréfa til viðskipta á First North
- Request to begin procedure for admission of shares to trading – First North
- Sanctions Screening Form
- Umsókn um töku skuldabréfa til viðskipta
- Umsókn um töku skuldabréfa til viðskipta – First North
- Request for admission of bonds to trading
- Request for admission of bonds to trading - First North
- Beiðni um að hefja ferli vegna töku skuldabréfa til viðskipta
- Beiðni um að hefja ferli vegna töku skuldabréfa til viðskipta - First North
- Request to begin procedure for admission of bonds to trading
- Request to begin procedure for admission of bonds to trading - First North
- Skilmálar flokks (e. term sheet)
- Term sheet