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    OTC Rate Derivatives Clearing

    Reduced counterparty risk and lower regulatory capital costs

    CCP clearing of OTC rate derivatives streamlines your clearing and reporting process.


    Nasdaq Nordic offers clearing of interest rate swaps and overnight index swaps and forward rate agreements. We are authorized by ESMA to offer clearing services related to OTC interest rate derivatives denominated in SEK, DKK, NOK and EUR.

    New! EUR denominated Interest Rate Swaps

    Expanding our Interest Rate Swaps Offering

    Introducing EUR denominated Interest Rate Swaps (IRS) - a dynamic product designed for efficient risk management. With a fixed rate and a floating rate based on a nominal amount, it allows market participants to navigate fluctuations in a more efficient and secure manner. Benefit from seamless clearing services and reliable valuation capabilities through Nasdaq Clearing's infrastructure. 

    Access is available to Clearing Members with a Default Management Commitment for EUR or through designated clearing brokers. Explore the benefits of Nasdaq's EUR denominated IRS for enhanced Interest Rate Management.

    Download Factsheet

    Central Clearing Reduces Counterparty Risk

    Central counterparty clearing of OTC derivatives has several advantages compared to non-centrally cleared derivatives:

    Reduced counterparty risk

    Margin efficiency across exchange-listed and OTC interest rate derivatives

    Compression and netting opportunities

    Performing transactions with a wider number of counterparties

    Lower regulatory capital costs

    The service supports both self-clearing for members and client clearing in the existing clearing model operated by Nasdaq with a wide range of alternatives for account segregation and portability.

    Central counterparty clearing of OTC derivatives has several advantages compared to non-centrally cleared derivatives:

    Reduced counterparty risk

    Margin efficiency across exchange-listed and OTC interest rate derivatives

    Compression and netting opportunities

    Performing transactions with a wider number of counterparties

    Lower regulatory capital costs

    The service supports both self-clearing for members and client clearing in the existing clearing model operated by Nasdaq with a wide range of alternatives for account segregation and portability.

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    • Danske Bank
    • Svenska Handelsbanken
    • Nordea
    • Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
    • Swedbank
    • Swedish National Debt Office
    City silhouette

    Compression and Netting Service

    Nasdaq Clearing offers a Compression Service in cooperation with a third-party provider. The current cycle frequency for SEK-denominated swaps is annual. In parallel, a Netting Service is available each clearing day during the opening hours of the clearing system.

    Learn more about the Compression and Netting Service

    Nasdaq Clearing offers a Compression Service in cooperation with a third-party provider. The current cycle frequency for SEK-denominated swaps is annual. In parallel, a Netting Service is available each clearing day during the opening hours of the clearing system.

    Learn more about the Compression and Netting Service ->

    Cleared Products

    Nasdaq offers clearing of interest rate swaps and overnight index swaps in EUR and SEK. The trade characteristics eligible for clearing for each class of swap are described below.

    • Fixed-Float
    • Forward starting
    • Front and/or Back Stubs
    • Linear interpolation of stub periods
    • IMM and EOM rolls
    • Spread on the floating leg
    • Negative float and fixed rates
    • Initial Fixing Rate
    • All relevant day count fractions
    • Variable notional amounts and fixed rates
    • Maturity up to 30Y
    • Start day can be set per leg
    • Backloading

    Clearing available for Overnight Index Swaps against the following indices: T/N STIBOR™, SWESTR and EuroSTR. Nasdaq supports Overnight Index Swaps with the following characteristics:

    • All relevant day count fractions
    • Daily compounding
    • Maturity up to 10Y 
    • Spread on floating leg
    • Fixed-Float
    • Forward starting
    • Front and back stubs
    • Negative float and fixed rates
    • Backloading

    Nasdaq provides clearing of OTC derivatives in the existing regulatory framework developed for derivatives clearing. The Rules and Regulations of Nasdaq Derivatives Markets govern Nasdaq Stockholm's derivative exchange and clearing activities.

    The "derivative rules" comprise the rules and regulations that pertain to clearing of instruments with flexible features related to expiry and cash flow dates including the eligibility criteria for Clearing Members and Direct Pledge Customers wishing to clear these instruments, as well as a complete description of the contract specifications.

    Instruments designated as "OTC Rates" are characterized by a wide range of alternatives, adding flexibility catering for the needs of our customers. This contrasts with the listed contracts where the expiry and cash flow dates are predefined and the two parties in a deal only agree on the price/yield. In order to distinguish between listed contracts and "OTC Rate contracts", Nasdaq has labeled "OTC" derivatives as Generic in the Rules and Regulations.

    The latest version of the Rules and Regulations is always available on the Derivative Rules page. The Loss Sharing Rules are available in Appendix 17 in the Clearing Rules.

    Key Benefits

    Reduced Counterparty Risk

    As the CCP, Nasdaq becomes the counterparty to both buyer and seller.

    Lower Regulatory Capital Costs

    Comparatively lower regulatory capital costs to uncleared derivatives.

    Netting Opportunities

    Gain from margin efficiencies across your portfolio of exchange-listed and OTC interest rate derivatives.

    Infrastructure for Clearing OTC Rate Derivatives

    Trade entry to Nasdaq Clearing is primarily done via MarkitWire, but trades can also be submitted via Clearing Workstation™ or through the OMnet API.

    The service will provide you with matching and clearing of trades that are registered and a daily market valuation of the complete IRS portfolio.

    Trade entry to Nasdaq Clearing is primarily done via MarkitWire, but trades can also be submitted via Clearing Workstation™ or through the OMnet API.

    The service will provide you with matching and clearing of trades that are registered and a daily market valuation of the complete IRS portfolio.

    Lake Wanaka and Wanaka City during sunrise, view from Roys Peak, South Island, New Zealand


    Before sending a trade for clearing from MarkitWire, you can verify if the trade is eligible for clearing or not. The eligibility rules are based on the contract specification in the Nasdaq Nordic rules and regulations. The eligibility criterias are specified in MarkitSERV’s Documents and Download portal.


    You must complete a specific admission form to allow Nasdaq Clearing to establish technical connectivity and mapping of MarkitWire BICs and clearing accounts. Contact our Member and Account Configuration team, who will assist you with the onboarding procedures.

    NASDAQ OMX MarkitWire Onboarding Form

    Before you submit trades for clearing, you must also inform MarkitSERV that it requires access to NASDAQ Clearing as a clearinghouse. This request should be sent to the MarkitSERV Client Services Team.

    Connect to UAT system

    In order for a member to test in the UAT system, the MarkitWire BIC must be mapped to the Nasdaq MPID. To request this mapping, contact Member and Account Configuration.

    Access requests to Nasdaq test environments are made in the member portal.

    Clearing Process

    Step 1

    The client and EB agree on a trade that is registered and affirmed through an affirmation platform.

    The client and EB agree on a trade that is registered and affirmed through an affirmation platform.

    Step 2

    Once the trade is matched, it is submitted to clearing.

    Once the trade is matched, it is submitted to clearing.

    Step 3

    An initial trade validation is carried out.

    An initial trade validation is carried out.

    Step 4

    If the trade is valid, the client's appointed clearing broker will receive a message and either accept or reject the trade. The CB can also set up MarkitWire to accept trades after trade matching, but before the deal is submitted to the CCP.

    If the trade is valid, the client's appointed clearing broker will receive a message and either accept or reject the trade. The CB can also set up MarkitWire to accept trades after trade matching, but before the deal is submitted to the CCP.

    Step 5

    If the trade is accepted and sufficient collateral is in place, the trade will be novated and an acceptance message is sent back to the affirmation platform.

    If the trade is accepted and sufficient collateral is in place, the trade will be novated and an acceptance message is sent back to the affirmation platform.

    Contact our team


    Resource Center

    Relaterad information


    Fixed Income Membership

    Step-by-step description on how to obtain a membership on Nasdaq Nordic Fixed Income markets.


    Loss Sharing Pool

    The Loss Sharing Pool is an incentive structure funded by all members that clears interest rate OTC derivatives with Nasdaq.


    Nasdaq Clearing - EMIR Reporting

    Regulatory reporting under Article 9 of EMIR.