Nasdaq Stockholm
Listing Review
Determines if an applicant meets the requirements of the Nasdaq Stockholm marketplace.
In most listing processes, the issuer and, if relevant, the selling party, will work actively with several advisors, both legal and financial advisors, to prepare the company for its listing and, if relevant, the offering and distribution of shares. In the Nasdaq Stockholm (“Exchange”) listing process, the issuer will appoint a Listing Auditor to review the company and prepare a report, which form the basis of the assessment by the Exchange of whether the company meets the listing requirements.
A Listing Auditor should be appointed by the company in advance of initiating a listing process with the Exchange. The Listing Auditor is an experienced auditor from one of the largest audit companies.
For support, please contact us using the following details
Josefine Gunnarsdottir Lagerqvist, Head of Listing Qualifications
Christine Hult, Head of Enforcement and Investigations
Eldin Kozica - Head of Trading and Member Surveillance
Issuer Surveillance
+46 8 405 7050
Trading Surveillance
+46 8 405 6290
The Listing Auditors are the following:
For support, please contact us using the following details
Josefine Gunnarsdottir Lagerqvist, Head of Listing Qualifications
Christine Hult, Head of Enforcement and Investigations
Eldin Kozica - Head of Trading and Member Surveillance
Issuer Surveillance
+46 8 405 7050
Trading Surveillance
+46 8 405 6290
The Listing Auditors are the following:
The Listing Auditor performs a review, the content and structure of which is specified by the Exchange in a work instruction, of whether the issuer fulfills the requirements in accordance with the Exchange’s rules and whether it has undertaken sufficient preparations to be able to assume the responsibilities of a listed company. The review comprises the management and the board of the company, its financial and operational history, the quality of financial reporting as well as the resources and organization for preparing financial information and for disclosing both financial information and other regulatory information. The review also covers legal aspects (complemented by a legal due diligence performed by the company’s legal advisor), internal control and an overall assessment of how the prospectus fairly reflects the issuer.
When the Listing Auditor has completed its review it prepares a report, which is submitted to the Exchange. That report along with a draft prospectus is presented to the Listing Committee. The Listing Committee is a body to which the board of directors of Nasdaq Stockholm has delegated the right to decide upon whether to approve applications for listings on the regulated market. The committee consists of both Nasdaq representatives, including the CEO of the Exchange, and a majority of independent members.
The documentation upon which the Committee bases its decisions consists of the report from the Listing Auditor and the company's prospectus. The Listing Committee has six members. Gun Nilsson (Chair), Emil Boström, Charlotte Strömberg and Jan Berntsson are independent members. Other members are Adam Kostyál (non-voting member), Elisabeth Salmgren von Schantz and (substitute member) Johan Mattsson.
The Listing Committee typically schedules one meeting per month but will also strive to be available for meetings on other dates upon request and for an additional fee. The issuer is notified of the decisions made by the committee, in writing, by staff within the Surveillance function, at 15:00 CET on the working day following the relevant committee meeting.
(maximum three listing applications per meeting)
Information from the Surveillance function at Nasdaq Stockholm with regards to ESMAS Public Statement addressing the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the half-yearly financial reports of listed issuers. Click here.
Information from the Surveillance function at Nasdaq Stockholm with regards to amendments to the Act on Temporary Exemptions.Click here.
Information from the Surveillance function at Nasdaq Stockholm with regards to ESMA's Public Statement on financial reporting. Click here.