Nasdaq Nordic offers trading and clearing of a large variety of options, futures and forwards based on Swedish, Danish, Finnish and Norwegian stocks and indices.
In addition to standardized derivatives, Nasdaq offers tailored products that can be designed to match your desired risk exposure, either globally or for the Nordic markets. Your tailored contracts come with all the benefits of CCP clearing, such as simplified administration and reduced bilateral risk.
Stock Derivatives

Stock Options on the Nordic Markets
Stock Options are available for over 100 underlying shares on the Nordic markets.
Stock Options are available for over 100 underlying shares on the Nordic markets.

Stock Futures & Forwards
Stock futures & forwards on Swedish, Danish, Norwegian & Finnish shares.
Stock futures & forwards on Swedish, Danish, Norwegian & Finnish shares.

Options on Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) in Sweden
For reduced risk exposure or increased yield on Exchange Traded Funds.
For reduced risk exposure or increased yield on Exchange Traded Funds.

Stock Weekly Options
With the weekly options, you can better express your view on individual shares in the short term.
With the weekly options, you can better express your view on individual shares in the short term.
Nordic Index Derivatives

Index Options on the Nordic Markets
Index options based on the OMXS30, OMXS30ESG, OMXC25 and OMXO20 indices.

OMX Swedish Dividend Futures (OMXS30)
With Nasdaq's OMXS30 Dividend Futures, traders can hedge and trade dividends with the benefits of CCP clearing.

Index Futures on the Nordic Markets
Index futures on Swedish, Danish, Norwegian & Finnish shares.

Tailored Products

Nasdaq Derivatives Academy
Take your derivatives knowledge to the next level with Nasdaq Derivatives Academy! Learn from the experts with courses available online 24/7 and gain a Nasdaq diploma.