European Market


Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) and Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs) are senior debt notes that track the performance of an index, a single asset or a basket of commodities or securities. ETN/ETC products listed on Nasdaq Nordic* are collateralized which limits any credit risk on the issuer. They have an ETF-like creation and redemption structure and a market maker providing prices on an ongoing basis.

*Nasdaq Nordic represents common offering by Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd and Nasdaq Stockholm AB.

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Position: Bear Bull  -- Unchanged

Risers and Fallers


The data is created automatically. Nasdaq Stockholm AB, Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, Nasdaq Iceland hf, Nasdaq Oslo ASA, Nasdaq Tallinn AS, Nasdaq Riga AS and AB Nasdaq Vilnius (“Nasdaq”) does not guarantee that the data is exhaustive, accurate or up to date. The data should not be seen as a fulfillment of Nasdaq’s obligation under Article 13(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 600/2014 ("MiFIR") to make market data available free of charge, 15 minutes after initial publication by Nasdaq. To view market data provided in accordance with Article 13(1) MiFIR, please visit