Swedish Reference Rates and Fixings
- As of January 1, 2020, Nasdaq will terminate the daily publication of Nasdaq SEK Swap fixing and SEK Treasury fixing.
- As of April 20, 2020, Nasdaq will terminate the daily publication of STIBOR™. Further information on future publication can be found on the Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility (SFBF) website: www.swfbf.se
Nasdaq calculates several widely used Swedish reference rates, including but not limited to STIBOR™, which is a reference rate that shows an average of the interest rates at which a number of banks active on the Swedish money market (“the Stibor™ banks”) are willing to lend to one another without collateral at different maturities.
The rates are compiled and published daily at 11:00 am. Compiled daily by Nasdaq Stockholm, Nasdaq Swap Fixing is published at 11:10 am.
Nasdaq calculates several widely used Swedish reference rates, including but not limited to STIBOR™, which is a reference rate that shows an average of the interest rates at which a number of banks active on the Swedish money market (“the Stibor™ banks”) are willing to lend to one another without collateral at different maturities.
The rates are compiled and published daily at 11:00 am. Compiled daily by Nasdaq Stockholm, Nasdaq Swap Fixing is published at 11:10 am.
Nasdaq Swedish Foreign Exchange Fixing Rates shall not without Nasdaq Stockholm AB´s prior written consent be used:
1. As reference for the issuance of a financial instrument;
2. As reference for the determination of the amount payable under a financial instrument or a financial contract;
3. As reference by a party to a financial contract;
4. For measuring the performance of an investment fund for the purpose of tracking the return of Nasdaq Swedish Foreign Exchange Fixing Rates, of defining the asset allocation of a portfolio, or of computing the performance fees;
5. For any other purpose which may qualify Nasdaq Swedish Foreign Exchange Fixing Rates as a benchmark in accordance with regulation (EU) 2016/1011 of the European Parliament and of the European Council on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts.
Danish Reference Rates & Fixings
Icelandic Statistics
Iceland Exchange Recommendations
- Recommendations on the Principal Characteristics and Calculations of Listed Bonds and Bills
- Tilmæli Kauphallarinnar varðandi helstu einkenni og útreikningsreglur skráðra skuldabréfa og víxla
- Recommendations on the Interest Rate Convention for bills
- Tilmæli Kauphallarinnar varðandi vaxtareglu víxla
- Recommendations Concerning the Method of Calculating Daily CPI and CTI Index Values
- Tilmæli Kauphallarinnar varðandi aðferð við útreikning dagvísitalna neysluverðs og lánskjara
- Supplement to Recommendations Concerning the Method of Calculating Daily CPI and CTI Index Values
- Viðbót við tilmæli varðandi aðferð við útreikning dagvísitalna neysluverðs og lánskjara
- Recommendation on the Record Date and Ex-date of Bonds
- Tilmæli Kauphallarinnar varðandi réttinda og réttindaleysisdag skuldabréfa
- Recommendations on the Number of Decimal Places in the Daily CPI and CTI values, Indexation coefficient and Derived Dirty Price
- Tilmæli kauphallarinnar varðandi fjölda aukastafa í dagvísitölu, verðbótstuðli og afleiddu uppgjörsverði
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