About Nordic Equity TotalView Suite
The premier data source for active investors and traders dealing in Nordic exchange-listed securities. TotalView offers the most complete view of trading activity for companies listed on the Copenhagen, Helsinki, Iceland, Stockholm and First North markets.
- Full order book data for Nordic equity instruments (equities, equity rights, bonus subscriptions, interim shares, convertibles, warrants and mutual funds)
- Index values and constituents
- Nordic Equity Analytics
- Company news
Nordic Equity TotalView product shows 20x the depth of Level 1
- Comprehensive equities insight for Nasdaq Nordic exchanges-listed companies to drive better trading decisions
- Real-time, full order book directly from the high-speed INET trading engine
- Provides both matched executions and internalized trades reported to the Nasdaq Nordic exchanges and Nordic First North markets.
- Flexible consumption:
- Full depth of market-by-order directly via the Nordic Equity TotalView-ITCH ultra-low latency feed
- Aggregated at 20 price levels via the managed Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF)
- Via Market Data Vendors:
Firms, individual investors and traders may access real-time data through a number of authorized Nasdaq market data vendors - Directly From Nasdaq:
Trading firms and market data vendors may access real-time data from Nordic and Baltic markets by connecting to the Genium Consolidated Feed information distribution system. In addition, direct access to the trading system can be obtained through the Nordic Equity TotalView-ITCH feed.