Options Market Data
Nasdaq MRX Options Data
Nasdaq MRX (MRX) is a customer priority, pro-rata allocation exchange that offers customer priority with PMMs and CMMs and preferenced orders.
Nasdaq MRX (MRX) offers both a simple customer priority, pro-rata allocation market, and a price-time complex market, complete with a full suite of auction and crossing orders. MRX follows a traditional model on the simple order book, while MRX complex will bring the same best-in-class complex functionality as ISE with an alternative pricing model. Our data products offer real-time quote and order depth, last sale information, and much more.
Direct access to the MRX Options best bid and offer quotation and trade data.
A deeper look into order book pricing. Each feed displays bids and offers at the top five order book price levels along with last sale prices.
Order by order data that rests on the Nasdaq MRX order book and auction messages.
Direct access to the Nasdaq MRX last sale data along with opening price, cumulative volume, high + low prices for the day.
Direct access to the Nasdaq MRX last sale data along with opening price, cumulative volume, high + low prices for the day.
Aggregate trade quantity and trade volume for each customer origin type of trade for every option series traded on the MRX in which an electronic trade occurred during the trading day. Activity is further broken down by opening buy, closing buy, opening sell, or closing sell.
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