Nasdaq eVestment™ for Asset Owners
Nasdaq eVestment™ Holdings Analysis
Deconstruct equity manager performance versus not only benchmarks, but also peer averages. Validate a team’s discipline around its stated process.
Differentiating managers is a constantly moving target. Your equity managers may deconstruct their returns to report attribution, but that doesn’t explain how their decisions differ from those of other managers. Use Nasdaq eVestment™ Holdings Analysis to pinpoint where managers are demonstrating independent thinking with stock selections that are notably different from peers. Analyze their sector, region, and style allocations to validate that they’re following their stated investment philosophy or uncover potential style drift.
For us, eVestment Holdings Analysis has really been a breakthrough. We’re going beyond looking at the track record and doing regression to get a full picture of how a manager generates alpha through style-, country- and sector-allocations.