P/E & PEG RatiosPrice/Earnings Ratio
Forecast P/E Growth Rates
PEG Ratio
Investors are always looking for companies with good growth prospects selling at attractive prices. One popular statistic used to identify such stocks is the PEG ratio - which is simply the Price Earnings ratio divided by the growth rate. In this case we use the forecasted growth rate (based on the consensus of professional analysts) and forecasted earnings over the next 12 months. In theory, the lower the PEG ratio the better - implying that you are paying less for future earnings growth. The PEG ratio for this company is based on expected earnings for the next twelve months
Data Provider: Data is provided by Zacks Investment Research
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After-Hours -
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Press Releases
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Historical Quotes -
Historical NOCP -
Financials -
Earnings -
P/E & PEG Ratios -
Option Chain -
Institutional Holdings -
Insider Activity -
SEC Filings -
Revenue EPS
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About the Price/Earnings & PEG Ratios
Nasdaq provides Price/Earnings Ratio (or PE Ratio) and PEG ratio for stock evaluation. Financial analysts and individual investors use PE Ratio and PEG ratios to determine the financial performance of a business entity when making investment decisions.