ACET Insider Activity

Number of Insider Trades
Data is currently not available

Number of Insider Shares Traded

Data is currently not available
Data is currently not available
Information Data is not available at this time.

Insider Trading information for NDAQ is derived from Forms 3 and 4 filings filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Please Note:An FPI is exempt of filing insider holdings with the SEC. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the company's website for up to date information.

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About Insider Activity

Nasdaq Insider Activity page provides trading information of corporate insiders (officers, directors and any beneficial owners of more than 10% of a class of the company’s equity securities). An insider trading activity happens when corporate insiders trade in stock in their own companies. 

Insider trading information is an indicator that can be used to gain valuable insights and as a reflection of the prospect of the company.