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Mar 27, 2025
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Data Disclaimer: The Nasdaq Indices and the Major Indices are delayed at least 1 minute.

Bid Price and Ask Price

The bid & ask refers to the price that an investor is willing to buy or sell a stock. The bid is the highest amount that a buyer is currently willing to pay, whereas the ask is the lowest amount that a seller is currently willing to sell. The numbers next to the bid/ask are the “size”. The bid size displays the total amount of desired shares to buy at that price, and the ask size is the number of shares offered for sale at that price. The data displayed in the quote bar updates every 3 seconds; allowing you to monitor prices in real-time.

The bid-ask spread can indicate a stock’s liquidity, which is how easy it is to buy and sell in the marketplace. Often, a smaller spread suggests higher liquidity, meaning more buyers and sellers in the market are willing to negotiate. In contrast, a larger spread suggests lower liquidity, as there are fewer investors willing to negotiate. You can use the bid-ask spread to determine whether to place a  market order or limit order when trading, helping you to optimize your price and have a successful order execution.

Real-time bid and ask information is powered by Nasdaq Basic, a premier market data solution. This data feed is available via Nasdaq Data Link APIs; to learn more about subscribing, visit Nasdaq Data Link's products page.

Etichetta Value
Powered by Nasdaq Data Link
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Data Disclaimer: The Nasdaq Indices and the Major Indices are delayed at least 1 minute.

Gli investitori possono operare nel pre-mercato (4.00-9.30 ET) e nel mercato dopo l’orario di chiusura (16.00-20.00 ET). La partecipazione degli operatori di Borsa e degli ECN è strettamente volontaria e, di conseguenza, queste sessioni possono offrire meno liquidità e prezzi inferiori. I prezzi delle azioni possono anche cambiare più rapidamente in questo ambiente. Agli investitori che prevedono di operare in questi orari si consiglia vivamente di utilizzare ordini con limite di prezzo.

  • I dati in tempo reale sono forniti utilizzando i dati dell'ultima vendita Nasdaq