European Market

Denmark Average Bond Yield

The Average Bond Yield Report shows the daily rates of interest on different bond types listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (Stat, Fiskeri & Færøerne, Enhedsprioritet etc.).
*The tax rate used for calculation of average yields after tax is continuously adjusted so it matches the actual taxation.

Tax rates are being validated each year and there are no changes since 2014.

Tax Rates

DateTax rate
25/01/2007 - 22/06/201051.5 %
23/06/2010 - 31/12/201049.5 %
01/01/2011 - 31/12/201147.5 %
01/01/2012 - 31/12/201245.5 %
01/01/2013 - 31/12/201343.5 %
01/01/2014 -42.0 %

Leita sögulega


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