European Market

Exchange Traded Products

Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) is the collective name for a group of products listed by an issuer on respective Nasdaq Nordic* market. Within the ETP category at Nasdaq, you can find a broad range of products that offer investors investment opportunities with varying risk exposures and underlying assets.

The ETP product range covers Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) and Exchange Traded Commodities (ETCs) as well as Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) and Actively Managed Funds (AMFs).

*Nasdaq Nordic represents common offering by Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd and Nasdaq Stockholm AB.

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For Warrants and Certificates (Securitised Derivatives) prices, please choose the Warrants and Certificates tab above. 

Mest handlede ETFer

TER:  Total Expense Ratio  
Position: ↓ Bear ↑ Bull  -- Unchanged

Mest handlede ETN/ETC

TER:  Total Expense Ratio  
Position: ↓ Bear ↑ Bull  -- Unchanged

Seneste selskabsmeddelelser


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