How AI, Automation, and Advanced Threat Intelligence Tools Can Help Mitigate Risks Across Sectors
Adam Jackson, CEO of 360 Privacy, Eric Noonan, CEO of CyberSheath, and Jeff Schwartz, VP - Americas Engineering at Check Point, join Jill Malandrino on Nasdaq TradeTalks to discuss how AI, automation, and advanced threat intelligence tools can help mitigate risks and support compliance across sectors.
00:14Welcome to Nasdaq trade talks,
00:16where we meet with the top thought leaders and strategists in emerging technologies,
00:19digital assets and regulatory landscape, and capital markets.
00:22I'm your host, Jill Malandrino,
00:23and joining me on the desk at the Nasdaq market site,
00:25we have Adam Jackson,
00:26CEO of 360 privacy.
00:28Eric Newton, CEO of Cyber Sheath.
00:30And Jeff Schwartz, VP of Americas engineering at Nasdaq listed Check Point.
00:34We're here to discuss how A.I.
00:36automation and advanced threat intelligence tools can
00:39help mitigate risks and support compliance across sectors and,
00:42of course, managing the ever evolving cybersecurity landscape.
00:46It is great to have everyone back with us.
00:48I believe just about everyone has been with us before.
00:51As a quick reminder though, Adam,
00:53where does 360 privacy sit within the cyber ecosystem?
00:57Yeah, so we really we largely focus on
00:59the executives and principals at companies and making sure their digital footprint
01:02doesn't make them vulnerable to either AI or not AI attacks from attack groups.
01:08Yeah, I mean, that's an interesting space to see how that is
01:11evolving and the implications of some of those,
01:14um, what the bad actors are leveraging cyber sheath.
01:17Say that fast.
01:19So we're we're a managed service provider,
01:21putting together the three puzzle pieces of managed it,
01:24managed cybersecurity and then governance risk and compliance and
01:27putting them all together in one service for critical infrastructure providers.
01:30All right. And checkpoint. Good to have you back.
01:31Yeah. Great. Thanks for having me, Jill.
01:34Yeah. We provide best in class security solutions through
01:37our hybrid mesh platform that allows users and
01:40devices to connect securely over any diversity of infrastructure.
01:44I would say with Jeff,
01:46with with the environment evolving as quick as it has,
01:49you can even argue perhaps out of all industries,
01:51cyber is just moving really quick.
01:53Um, part of that is the sophistication of the attacks and how good actors,
01:58bad actors are leveraging a lot of the same technology.
02:01Yeah, the sophistication of the threat landscape has increased
02:04precipitously with the advent of AI tools.
02:07And what that's effectively done is lowered the cost of attack.
02:11And by effect, it's put a lot of pressure on organizations to
02:15close an operational gap that lives between their day to day,
02:20business as usual environment and mitigating these very,
02:23very both advanced attacks in terms of sophistication,
02:27but also increased volume of attacks that we see across every vertical.
02:30Yeah. And, you know, Eric,
02:32part of it is nation states as an example,
02:34are very well funded.
02:35They're highly sophisticated and they are looking
02:38at vulnerabilities such as infrastructure, national security.
02:40That's right. And they're not constrained by any of the regulatory requirements we have.
02:44So where we can't make some offensive moves unless it's done at the government level,
02:49those attacks can be done.
02:50They can be outsourced by nation states to private companies within those states,
02:54or they can be state funded attacks.
02:55And on the defender side,
02:57we're kind of subject to all comers and have to defend against all of them.
03:01Yeah, and I would imagine part of the challenge to
03:03Adam is the more technology that's integrated,
03:05whether it's legacy systems or new technology that you're bringing on
03:08the attack surface just continues to expand.
03:12So there's more vulnerabilities, whether it's through third,
03:14fourth, fifth vendors and so forth.
03:16It just continues to expand.
03:18Yeah. So with the amount of data that's freely flowing right now
03:21across a whole bunch of different environments,
03:25it's just almost impossible for there not to be
03:27vulnerabilities either open source or closed source for nation state actors.
03:31Yeah. Are you hearing anything from clients or advising over one consistent subject?
03:36Are they bringing up one area that keeps them up at night, if you will?
03:40The biggest is is training the end user.
03:43Right. So you can have all the tools in the world.
03:45But the old saying is true of the person at the keyboard is your biggest vulnerability.
03:49It used to be, hey,
03:50look for broken English for phishing emails or look for
03:54like ridiculous domains pretending to be your CEO.
03:57Now, language isn't really a barrier.
04:00You run your script through ChatGPT and it comes out and
04:03the target language of the person you're trying to attack.
04:07So really getting the user integrated or getting training
04:11integrated at the user level in the age of AI is is the biggest,
04:16um, biggest block or stumbling block for a lot of our clients.
04:21And Jeffrey, I'm sorry.
04:22It's a great point. I think that the the attack sophistication
04:25has increased and then the attack surface has increased in parallel.
04:28And so one of the things we're seeing is just the supply chain.
04:32And so if we look at our customers who generally are
04:34defense contractors serving the Department of Defense,
04:37the sun never sets on the DoD supply chain.
04:39So that means that attack surface is kind of always
04:41available for these very sophisticated adversaries.
04:44And we're going to get back to contractors in just a moment here.
04:46But when we think about some of the gaps within the system,
04:49is are there enough skilled people that are able to,
04:53you know, keep up with the evolving cyber landscape.
04:56Yeah, like like any other space.
04:58There's, you know, people process and technologies.
05:00And the challenge is that many organizations have adopted
05:04what they perceive to be commoditized technologies,
05:08and they're trying to implement them in a way
05:10that operationally does not keep them secure.
05:13And what's really important for organizations to focus
05:16on is what is the capabilities of the technologies,
05:20and what is the best in class nature of the the vendors that they partner with.
05:25Because at the end of the day,
05:27this false sense of this false sense of security around the perception of
05:33commoditization has allowed organizations to assume
05:35that every vendor is like for like in certain areas.
05:38And that has led to huge gaps in operational exposure.
05:42And of course, if there is an incident with a vendor,
05:46you're still responsible for that because it's integrated into your system,
05:50it could potentially impact your clients, the business and so forth.
05:53Yeah. And that's that's part of the challenge that it's
05:55really important to focus on best in class,
05:58but also partner with organizations that can monitor
06:00and manage your environment when when you're not there.
06:04Yeah. You know, Eric,
06:05you brought up an interesting point in your notes here specific to defense contractors,
06:09because they have a number of
06:10other requirements to be able to operate within their infrastructure as well.
06:15So there's all different types of parameters and security clearance.
06:18And it's not an even playing field,
06:21if you will, in terms of who has access.
06:22And I'm sure that's by design,
06:24but it does add another layer of complexity.
06:26Yeah, it's very interesting. I think most Americans would be
06:28shocked to know that commercial defense contractors,
06:31until very recently, until December 16th of last year,
06:34didn't have to meet mandatory minimum cybersecurity requirements.
06:37So it was kind of a don't ask,
06:39don't tell environment for many years where you took the contract,
06:42it was assumed you were implementing security,
06:44but there was no audit mechanism.
06:45That audit mechanism is only a couple months in coming online.
06:50So now going forward,
06:51all defense contractors have to meet these requirements.
06:54But it could take many years before that rolls through the system.
06:57It's just mind blowing to me because on a federal level,
07:00they're the ones who should be providing the framework and enforcing it, I feel.
07:04Out of all the issues and uncertainties
07:05that we have in the economy and the market right now,
07:07national security and cybersecurity, you know, detection,
07:11mitigation and response is really up there as far as I'm concerned.
07:14Without a doubt, with nation states like China, Russia,
07:17North Korea all attacking
07:19our defense contractors and our other critical infrastructure partners,
07:22you would think that they would be one of the most well regulated,
07:26well audited set of industries,
07:27but it's actually much the contrary.
07:30Yeah. Which to me is interesting.
07:32Adam, when we think about the evolution of threats,
07:35any trends that you can discern from what you're seeing?
07:38Yeah. So we're seeing personal data used in threats or in attacks.
07:42More and more, we're seeing data that winds up on the dark web through a vendor breach,
07:47like you guys talked about before being made available, and,
07:51and more people being able to access that kind of data than ever before,
07:55and that data is being used more effectively in either targeted spear phishing attacks,
08:00brute force password cracking, things like that.
08:03Much more than we did even like 24 months ago.
08:05Right. And that's part of the gap because you can have all the software,
08:08the hardware, you know,
08:09the best vendors in the world,
08:11but you still have people that are the front line and not intentional.
08:14But, you know, some of these scams are really hard to discern these days.
08:18Right. I think the other thing we're doing,
08:20going back to are there enough, you know,
08:22are there enough skilled people in the cybersecurity industry looking at like long term?
08:28Right now, it's really hard for
08:30a junior cyber cybersecurity person to get a job because AI is doing their job.
08:34And you you're really looking.
08:35Most most organizations are really looking for senior people.
08:39Well, in 15 years,
08:40when those senior people retire,
08:42there's not going to be the large cohort of
08:44junior people that have been gaining experience for the last 15 years.
08:47I think that's another thing that we're grappling with as an industry a lot right now.
08:51Yeah. Well, and part of the challenge too is Jeff.
08:53The role of the CISO and senior cybersecurity leadership
08:56has really evolved along with the landscape.
08:59The responsibility is whether you're thinking about it from
09:02the financial perspective and communicating the needs with the board,
09:05with senior leadership, risk management,
09:07being able to have a bird's eye view and operate in a silo.
09:10That's another challenge. So it's evolving as quick as the landscape.
09:13Yeah, for sure. And the the old days of security was somewhat well defined,
09:18where you control what goes in and out of your data center.
09:21But now there's so many more modern application
09:23and infrastructure asset classes in the cloud,
09:26AI tools that you don't know how the information is being manipulated,
09:30shared or modified or distributed to people that would otherwise not have access to it.
09:36So providing security in this footprint where there's so much more modern
09:40and the velocity of the business is so much higher that the rate of change,
09:45it's difficult for organizations to maintain a very high level of
09:49both visibility and enforceable controls across these very, very modern assets.
09:55Think about it over the past five years. So what?
09:56March 13th, 2020 was the official start
09:58for Covid in the city when everybody started working from home.
10:01Not only was that transition to the cloud environment starting,
10:04all of a sudden we went from a physical world to
10:07a world that operated remote and virtually.
10:10So you had this confluence just in the span of five years.
10:14Yeah. And even now,
10:15the concept of agentic AI, which is just, you know,
10:18fancy language for autonomous AI agents
10:22executing commands without necessarily human intervention.
10:26When you when you follow that forward,
10:29the art of the possible is very,
10:32very compelling from a from a business outcome perspective.
10:36But from a cybersecurity perspective,
10:37it's also very, very dangerous environment.
10:39Yeah. Um, Eric, do you think boards and senior leadership that they
10:43are thinking about cybersecurity in a way,
10:47when it comes to allocating resources, you know,
10:49being able to communicate those needs to the board to
10:51to leadership because they're always thinking about ROI, right?
10:54What does this look like? And this isn't necessarily I mean, the cost.
10:57It's intangible. Should you have an incident which,
11:00you know, becomes a breach, right.
11:01I think the one of the ways I try and tell
11:04our partners the way to think about it is from a compliance perspective,
11:08you can always kind of sell investment to the board because you have to
11:11do certain compliance things to stay in business and to to comply with the law.
11:15Boards understand compliance all day long.
11:18If you can take the cybersecurity,
11:20the operational side and tie that back to your compliance efforts,
11:23I see a lot more chance of having success and a lot shorter levels of conversations.
11:28In trying to help the board understand why these investments need to be made,
11:32and then you can kind of measure once comply,
11:34many solve the compliance problem and parallel to the operational.
11:37I think what also concerns me is there's
11:39such a rush because the landscapes are so competitive,
11:41whether it's internal or external facing, you know,
11:43new type of AI products and so forth.
11:46Did do you think businesses have gone too fast and perhaps risk management.
11:51And the cyber part of the equation was an afterthought.
11:54Or is there enough to even bench that on yet?
11:56It is often an afterthought.
11:58Cyber is a cost and for most industries.
12:01And so they think about meeting the regulatory requirements first.
12:04So again going back to defense contractors,
12:06they're now prohibited in many cases from
12:08winning new contracts until they meet these minimum requirements.
12:11So now we're going to make the investment because we
12:13want to continue to kind of benefit from that revenue.
12:16So I think the carrot instead of the stick has helped solve that problem.
12:19And I think we need to take that model across other industries.
12:22And let's talk about that, Adam, for a moment here,
12:24looking forward and how emerging technologies are shaping the future of cyber resilience.
12:29Yeah. So going back to the previous question,
12:32I think in 2025,
12:34it's borderline malpractice not to have
12:35a true cybersecurity expert sitting on your board,
12:38not a board observer not advising the board,
12:40but actually sitting in a board director's seat.
12:44But to your question before of,
12:47you know, looking at the resilience piece of things right now,
12:51I think there's so much effort being put into the idea of
12:54preventing the attack and getting the right tools in place to make sure that,
12:58like, the environment stays secure when in 2025 there isn't one environment anymore.
13:03There are 15 different environments that every company is operating, operating out of,
13:08and I don't think companies have fully
13:10built policies around this new environment that we live in.
13:13And the thing is, it has to be sustainable and it has to
13:15be able to evolve along with the environment. You just don't set it and forget it.
13:18When it comes to cyber, it's almost like when you have
13:20fire drills in the building or in school,
13:22um, has to be practiced.
13:24You have to kind of always anticipate what
13:27the vulnerabilities are and what that mitigation and response is like.
13:30It's not fun responding to a cyber incident.
13:33Well, the other hard part,
13:34I think getting down to the user level is
13:36cybersecurity annoys the end user like there is.
13:39There's not a good way to do cybersecurity without creating friction for the end user.
13:44And I think the end users are starting to understand that,
13:47especially at technology driven companies.
13:49But in legacy industries,
13:50we're going to have to learn to adapt cyber policy and
13:54cyber practice to not create
13:57so much friction that the end user just finds a workaround for it.
13:59Jeff, it's not fun having to do the automatic updates when
14:02you're when you're in the middle of a massive presentation or a report.
14:06It's, you know, the most important thing that you're doing all day long,
14:08or changing the passwords to all these different scenarios and so forth.
14:11But again, it has to be clear,
14:14and it has to be a policy that continues to evolve.
14:17That's the first step, even before you think about
14:19how emerging technologies are helping to.
14:21Yeah, I mean, how we look at it is that we want to provide a paved road, right?
14:25That, you know, end users will always find their own way.
14:28And, you know, but they may be taking a dirt road on the side,
14:32and they're not going to be able to run as fast.
14:34They're not going to be able to go as quickly.
14:35They're not going to be able to go as safely.
14:37But if we can provide the infrastructure to
14:39provide that paved road where they can go as fast as they can,
14:43you know, the the concept is that breaks allow you to go faster, not slower.
14:46So, you know, that's the that's the model that we're trying to emulate.
14:51Well it's interesting. So again Eric,
14:54when you think about how emerging technologies are shaping cyber resilience,
14:57and if you employ some of these AI or predictive measures,
15:00it should in theory help to detect,
15:02mitigate and respond more effectively to.
15:05Yeah, that's absolutely right.
15:06It as much as the attackers can use it to their advantage,
15:09we have the same opportunity to use it to our advantage and resilience.
15:13I think you used the word is that's the key really.
15:16There is no perfect defense.
15:18Everybody accepts that.
15:19You have to spend more time on resilience.
15:21I think that's an area most companies don't spend enough time on.
15:24I also think having a more constructive regulatory framework,
15:28as with any evolving space.
15:30Something that's measurable and there's outcomes that that tie back to kind of
15:34the compliance framework and everyone can agree
15:36delivers compliance and security. I agree 100%.
15:39Yeah. I mean it's interesting,
15:40Adam, you know who's doing the reporting.
15:42Is it the compliance responsibility.
15:43Is it security teams responsibility?
15:45Does it come down to the CFO vertical because it's risk management?
15:48To me at this point,
15:49the idea that, like the CFO,
15:51the CSO and the CSO are separate and living in different silos,
15:54that's so outmoded at this point.
15:56Like, to me, like that line kind of meets the CEO
16:00and like that's where the end responsibility lies at the CEO and board level,
16:05not necessarily the CFO line or the CSO line anymore.
16:08Yeah. Which is interesting because I feel like we are constantly
16:11covering cyber and data governance panels here.
16:15And the one thing that always comes back to is operating in silos,
16:18and it seems to be one of the most obvious things,
16:21is that's the one obvious challenge that consistently comes up.
16:24When if you look at,
16:25like most high profile attack,
16:28most high profile physical attacks on an executive or on an asset
16:31of a business typically start off with Osint research, open source intelligence,
16:36resource research, or some sort of cyber attack,
16:39giving the attacker some level of knowledge before executing the physical attack.
16:44That's something that's really started in
16:47the last ten years and really ramped up in the last five.
16:49Yeah. It's interesting. I think, Jeff,
16:51another thing that I've been questioning throughout the coverage here,
16:54the CTO and CSO or CSO role,
16:57I mean, they essentially would be separated out at this point.
17:01Yeah. So so CISO ultimately is part of risk,
17:05which in many organizations is a CEO or CFO.
17:08But really it comes down to the culture of the institution that organizationally,
17:13how fast is that organization willing to run and potentially break things as they go,
17:19but move quick and adapt and innovate in every vertical we support,
17:23there's organizations that are on the cutting edge and you know that they were
17:28cloud first and very modern infrastructure asset investment.
17:33And there are others in that same vertical that are still,
17:36you know, very, very legacy minded.
17:39So I think it really comes down to the culture of
17:40the institution to move quickly and innovate quickly.
17:43And that's what will ultimately determine how they're successful.
17:47Which is interesting because another trend that I'm hearing about too,
17:49is almost reverting back to hybrid solutions.
17:51So it's not we're 100% in the cloud.
17:53We're 100% on prem.
17:54This way at least we have some redundancies and we're building our policy around that.
17:58It's interesting to see how the pendulum has swung back.
18:01100%. I mean, security used to be kind of the Department of no,
18:04you can't do that.
18:05And now it's very quickly evolved into how can we do this in a safe,
18:09secure way that adds value to the business?
18:11Are you seeing the same thing too, Eric,
18:13when it comes to more hybrid or adding more redundancy to the policy?
18:16Without a doubt, there's no real definition anymore of what is the edge.
18:20And so everything is kind of hybrid now.
18:22I think a company that's in a good place
18:24is one that can even define what they are anymore,
18:27because just knowing where your assets are and what they are is half the battle.
18:31Yeah, it certainly is.
18:32I appreciate everyone's insight.
18:33Thanks for joining us on trade talks.
18:34And thanks for joining me for Marketsite.
18:36I'm Joe Malandrino, global markets reporter at Nasdaq.