BioAffinity Technologies
00:03Thank you for tuning in to this edition of NASDAQ amplifies Issuer Spotlight,
00:08where we feature conversations with leaders from some of
00:10the world's most innovative and growth oriented small cap companies.
00:13Today, I'm joined by Maria Zins,
00:15President and Chief Executive Officer of NASDAQ listed Bio Affinity Technologies.
00:20Maria, thank you so much for being here.
00:21Thank you for having me. I.
00:23Can you start by telling us a little bit about Bio affinity and what you're working on?
00:27Sure, Boafinity is a biotech company that has developed and
00:31now is commercializing a test for the early detection of lung cancer,
00:35which is not only our nation's largest leading cancer killer, but also the world's.
00:40Our test is non invasive,
00:42and it's used for individuals or used with individuals,
00:45most often who have had a CT scan,
00:48who have had some type of imaging that shows a pulmonary nodule.
00:52And with that, the doctor often is not sure what's next step,
00:56and that's where our test comes in.
00:58People collect their sample.
01:01They collect a sputum sample at home.
01:03The privacy of their home,
01:05and they overnight it to our laboratory where it's processed.
01:08We've had really quite impressive performance in our clinical trials,
01:13so we're very excited to bring it to market,
01:15which we're doing now. Sure.
01:17And you actually brought the side path test with you,
01:19right, for early screening.
01:21I did. Well, I brought what I brought was basically the kit that is taken home that has
01:26a small collection cup it and a Federal Express pack to send the sample back overnight.
01:32And then instructions, of course.
01:34We also provide for both physicians and their patients
01:37very simple instructions and videos as to
01:40how to collect your sputum over that three day period. How simple is it?
01:44How exactly does it work?
01:45You know, lung cancer is not simple.
01:48So I don't want to give the impression that this is a test
01:51that it certainly is easy to perform for patients,
01:55but it's quite sophisticated in its approach and how we find early lung cancer.
02:02For patients, they get that small cup.
02:05They have a patient coach if they need so.
02:07They have videos. They have instructions as to how to collect, and then they overnight.
02:12So that patient journey is relatively simple and straightforward.
02:17Once a sample gets to the lab,
02:21the lab does something called it dissociates.
02:24It takes that mucus, that is our sputum,
02:27and it makes it into a single cell suspension.
02:30We run that sample through a flow cytometer,
02:34and what the flow cytometer allows us to do is look at cell populations.
02:39This is a test that looks at the lung micro environment.
02:43It's not looking at DNA.
02:45It's actually looking at how
02:47the lung has changed because of the presence of a malignancy.
02:53What is the competitive landscape currently look like and what differentiates
02:57your product CyPath from other early detection diagnostic tests?
03:02Unfortunately, for patients and their physicians,
03:05there are not many, if any,
03:07really non invasive tests like ours where we help to move forward.
03:12So for a patient who has a lung nodule,
03:15there are several courses of action.
03:17One is just a wait and see.
03:19In other words, it's a small nodule.
03:21And most I want to emphasize most lung nodules,
03:25most pulmonary nodules are benign.
03:27So I don't want people to be overly frightened over them,
03:31but often a physician determines that they should move forward with something.
03:36Unfortunately, most of the time,
03:38it's a wait and see to see if the nodule tumor,
03:42if it is a tumor has grown or not.
03:45And so that brings some anxiety.
03:48That's where our test comes in.
03:49In addition to which, you may have
03:52more aggressive approach where there's a bronchoscopy done or there's biopsy done.
03:57But often, as I said,
03:59these nodules are benign, and so therefore,
04:02it's important to have something like our test like
04:05cypathblung that can help guide the patient and guide
04:09the physician to the proper next step where we don't have
04:13unnecessary procedures or necessary anxiety over what's next.
04:19I'd like to also point out we recently published or I should say,
04:24two physicians recently published a paper,
04:27looking at the cost savings to healthcare
04:30because if we use psypath when we use psypathine.
04:35It was two physicians,
04:36one from the VA, doctor Sheila Habib,
04:38and another from the Brook Army Medical Hospital,
04:41so a military pulmonologist, doctor Morris.
04:44What they did was they took 2022 data and they said,
04:49What if during that time,
04:51we provided our patients who had indeterminant nodules.
04:56In other words, had patients who had
04:58nodules physicians wouldn't know what to do with next,
05:01and we gave them Cypath.
05:03What would be the savings to healthcare?
05:05And they found if they assumed just a Medicare population that we
05:10would save close to $3,700 per patient in using this.
05:15And if we looked at a population and assumed that it was private payer,
05:19it would be greater than $7,000 per patient.
05:22So what that means is that using pipath in the pathway of diagnosis can
05:29not only find cancer earlier or relieve
05:32anxiety by saying that you do not have lung cancer,
05:36but it also can save our healthcare system and our individual patients money.
05:40So what does the future look like for bioaffinity?
05:43And what does success look like?
05:45Success looks like certainly nationally and internationally,
05:50selling, offering cypath lung.
05:52And for that, we have a strong patent portfolio,
05:54and we're just starting to move out into the national arena.
05:59We started this year in our own backyard, which is a big backyard.
06:03We're in San Antonio, Texas,
06:04so we started to commercialize in Texas and have seen very,
06:08very good adoption from our physicians.
06:11So this is a much needed test,
06:13and then we'll be moving into a national stage this next year.
06:17Towards that regard, we just recently heard in October that the VA had approved the test,
06:25had awarded the test, the ability to be on what's called the federal supply schedule.
06:30And that opens up sale of this test to our veterans and to our military,
06:34to others in government who can use this test.
06:37So that's a very important part.
06:39But in addition to cypath lung,
06:42ours is a platform technology.
06:44So we're also looking at and developing tests for other lung diseases such as COPD,
06:51asthma as a companion to bronchoscopy.
06:54So there's a number of different additional tests that we'll bring to market,
06:58as well as looking at CyPath to find and
07:02detect other cancers such as prostate or bladder cancer.
07:07Those are a little behind the other in the pipeline,
07:11but certainly a possibility.
07:13And we look forward to seeing that.
07:15One last question for you.
07:16Please. Obviously, we're here at NASDAQ Market side in Time Square.
07:20You're a NASDAQ listed company.
07:22So what role have the public markets played in advancing your mission?
07:25And what does NASDAQ represent to you?
07:27NASDAQ has been just a wonderful partner to us in getting not only the word out,
07:33but also having the ability to get the funds for operation.
07:39It's a tough market right now,
07:41but I have to say that being on NASDAQ has been just an excellent experience for us.
07:46Oh, we're so excited to have you be a member of
07:49the NASDAQ family and applaud you for everything you're doing.
07:52I think that's a great place to leave it.
07:54If you want to learn more about Boaffinity technologies,
07:57they trade right here on NASDAQ under the symbol BIAF Maria,
08:02thank you so much for being here.
08:03Remember, early detection saves lives. Thank you all for watching.