Members have the option to exclude internal trades (trades where a member is both the buyer and the seller) from CCP clearing and settlement and gross settlement. This function is known as self clearing and implies that no execution report is sent from the exchange to the CSD and/or CCP.
This function is selectable within the INET Nordic exchanges trading system for both CCP and gross settled instruments. The member can select Self Clearing per clearing solution and Exchange when it comes to auto-matched trades. For example, a member can select to have CCP-cleared trades self cleared in Finland and non-CCP cleared trades sent to the CSD in Finland while self clearing all trades in Denmark.
For reported trades where the member is both the buyer and the seller, the member can choose to self clear on a per-trade basis. The default is set to not self clear, so if a member wishes to self clear, the indicator for self clearing must be set for each trade.