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    Nasdaq Dorsey Wright (NDW)

    High Technical Attribute

    Technical Attribution is a rating from 0-5. Research has shown a high attribute portfolio, which includes ratings of 3-5, has a strong propensity to outperform, with the largest outperformance reserved for the highest ratings.

    Why Technical Analysis?

    What are Technical Attribute Ratings?


    For over 30 years, Nasdaq Dorsey Wright has created many innovative technical indicators based on momentum using Point and Figure charting. One of their most popular indicators in this space is the “Technical Attribute” rating they apply to each stock. The rating ranges from zero (lowest strength) to five (highest strength) with values of three or higher generally regarded as investable.


    What is Point & Figure Methodology and Relative Strength Investing?


    The Point & Figure methodology is a logical, organized way of recording the forces of supply and demand. Nasdaq Dorsey Wright has taken this time-tested approach and given it new life by applying technology. Relative Strength — analyzing the performance of investment options against one another — is a valuable offshoot of Point & Figure.

    By focusing on momentum, which Nasdaq Dorsey Wright refers to as Relative Strength, they can remove emotion and subjectivity from the investment process, focusing instead on implementing an objective, rules-based process that can adapt to changing market dynamics and help you stay the course.

    7.5 Million

    Point & Figure Chart Calculations Every Night

    This provides our clients with simple analyses and clear illustrations of when, where and how assets should be reallocated.

    This provides our clients with simple analyses and clear illustrations of when, where and how assets should be reallocated.

    Make smarter investment decisions with help from the Nasdaq Dorsey Wright (NDW) Research Platform featuring:

    A comprehensive daily report that provides timely market insights and actionable ideas

    A tactical asset allocation guide, our Dynamic Asset Level Investing Tool (DALI)

    Guided stock, mutual fund, and exchange traded fund (ETF) models that can be used to gain access to the broad markets, specific asset classes, sector rotation strategies, and other specific subsets of the market

    A complete technical analysis solution providing an objective classification system and reports for stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds around the world

    Trend and relative strength charts covering over 50,000 stocks, ETFs, and other securities, indicators, and rankings for analyzing opportunities and holdings

    Daily momentum scores and relative performance updates from our extensive point & figure chart database

    In addition to providing daily market and security-specific commentary, Nasdaq Dorsey Wright’s US-based analyst team is also accessible to subscribers of the research for consultation.