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    Regulatory reporting

    EMIR Reporting

    EMIR Reporting

    One of the key directives under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) is the obligation under Article 9 of the regulation to report all derivatives contracts to Trade Repositories (EMIR reporting).

    Nasdaq Clearing is obliged to report trades and positions cleared with the clearing house. This page describes how we report and how necessary data can be sourced to allow for counterparts to align their reporting to achieve pairing and matching of trades and positions.

    One of the key directives under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) is the obligation under Article 9 of the regulation to report all derivatives contracts to Trade Repositories (EMIR reporting).

    Nasdaq Clearing is obliged to report trades and positions cleared with the clearing house. This page describes how we report and how necessary data can be sourced to allow for counterparts to align their reporting to achieve pairing and matching of trades and positions.

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    Nasdaq Clearing Counterparty Details

    • Legal name: Nasdaq Clearing AB
    • Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 54930002A8LR1AAUCU78
    • Trade Repository: DTCC
    • Legal name: Nasdaq Clearing AB
    • Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 54930002A8LR1AAUCU78
    • Trade Repository: DTCC

    UTIs for Trades and Positions

    Nasdaq Clearing generates unique trade identifiers (UTIs) for both trades and positions and makes them available for reporting counterparts in relevant systems. Counterparts to the clearing house are expected to use UTIs generated by Nasdaq Clearing in their reporting.

    Reportable Fields

    Detailed information on how Nasdaq Clearing populates reportable fields for different types of contracts is available in the EMIR Reporting Handbook in the Resource Center below.

    Nasdaq Clearing EMIR Trade Repository Reporting Handbook

    Available Data from Clearing House

    Nasdaq Clearing provides its counterparts with data reports for EMIR reporting purposes. These reports are available on a daily basis in the Genium INET clearing system.

    Data can also be sourced from other reports and directly through the clearing system API. Please contact the clearing house for more information.

    Nasdaq Clearing provides its counterparts with data reports for EMIR reporting purposes. These reports are available on a daily basis in the Genium INET clearing system.

    Data can also be sourced from other reports and directly through the clearing system API. Please contact the clearing house for more information.

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    EMIR Trades

    Reportable values for trades, positions, market values and collateral, both Counterparty Data and Common Data on a trade by trade and position level. Clearing participants can access this daily NEMIRV5 file on Q-Port. Consult the Resource Center for a sample NEMIRV5 file.

    EMIR CCP Harmonized File

    Position UTI and select EMIR fields in a standardized format across central counterparty clearinghouses (CCPs) to facilitate the consumption and use of the CCP-generated position UTI in member EMIR reporting.

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    While Nasdaq Clearing has used reasonable endeavors to ensure that the data of any issued report is correct, Nasdaq Clearing assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of such reports, or for the result of use of any information contained therein. Any information given in reports shall not be construed to alter the clearing member’s or non-clearing member’s obligations and liabilities under the Clearing Rules of Nasdaq Derivatives Market and/or Clearing Rules for Commodity Derivatives, as applicable, and related agreements.

    While Nasdaq Clearing has used reasonable endeavors to ensure that the data of any issued report is correct, Nasdaq Clearing assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of such reports, or for the result of use of any information contained therein. Any information given in reports shall not be construed to alter the clearing member’s or non-clearing member’s obligations and liabilities under the Clearing Rules of Nasdaq Derivatives Market and/or Clearing Rules for Commodity Derivatives, as applicable, and related agreements.

    Nasdaq EMIR Reporting Services

    Nasdaq provides an EMIR reporting service for reporting obligations under Article 9 of EMIR where customers can delegate the reporting of their own and their end client trades to Nasdaq. Contact Regulatory Reporting for more information on Nasdaq's EMIR Trade Reporting Service.

    Nasdaq provides an EMIR reporting service for reporting obligations under Article 9 of EMIR where customers can delegate the reporting of their own and their end client trades to Nasdaq. Contact Regulatory Reporting for more information on Nasdaq's EMIR Trade Reporting Service. ->
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