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    APAC Index Resources


    Content Dedicated to Respective Market’s Needs


    Nasdaq-100 Index® Research July 2024

    Monetizing Volatility in the Nasdaq-100 Index

    Riding Investment Volatility to Glory with the Nasdaq-100 Index®

    Abstract investing image -- pen with lines on a chart

    Thematic Investing: What Is It & How to Get Started?

    Woman holding a Chanel handbag

    Nasdaq-100 vs a Chanel Bag – Which Makes A Better Investment?


    Why the Stock Market Index is Important for You

    backtesting technical analysis

    Investing in the Future Economy Through the Nasdaq

    Woman standing over laptop at night

    Missed out on Vaccine Stocks? Consider the Biotechnology Index

    CSCO & NVDA Earnings

    Semiconductors & Cybersecurity: Why Investing in These Industries Could Help



    Computer hardware detail

    纳斯达克100®指数︰同等权重版本为投资者 带来战术性选项

    Multicolored line graphs



    科技股反彈 費半指數一馬當先

    data analysis

    費半指數 掌握全球30檔半導體龍頭

    Nasdaq-100's Evolution

    費半指數領軍 科技股迎反彈波

    Annual Changes to the Nasdaq-100 Index


    Nasdaq-100® Micro Index Options


    Colleagues looking at tablet

    如何進行產業研究,該投資指數還是 ETF?



    How the Nasdaq-100 May Provide Safety

    Invest in the World's Most Innovative Companies

    Woman business meeting

    3 Reasons Why Investing in the Nasdaq-100 Is Effective

    World's Best Brands

    Unrivaled performance! What is the Nasdaq-100?

    Levels to Watch in the Nasdaq-100

    Why Should We Focus on the Nasdaq-100® Index in the Post-pandemic Era?

    Two business people walking outside modern building

    How Japanese Investors Can Capture Global Growth Opportunities via the Nasdaq-100

    Beams of light running through fiber optic cables

    Maximize Returns and Mitigate Risk by Investing in the World's Most Innovative Companies



    투자자의 반도체 하위 종목 확보 또는 노출의 헤지 역량을 높여 주는 새로운 선물 계약

    트레이드 토크: 2022 인플레이션 감축법(IRA) 및 예상 수혜 기업


    On-demand | APAC Webinars Co-hosted with Clients

    Invesco Expands QQQ Innovation Suite


    Taking a thematic route to long-term returns

    In this engaging and timely discussion, market experts from Nasdaq, ChinaAMC and Cathay Securities will share their perspectives and provide practical insights to help investors.

    Nasdaq-100 Volatility Trends


    Keeping pace with a new digital landscape

    In this session, two experienced industry specialists from First Trust and CTA will share their unique perspectives and offer practical insights to help investors understand key market trends

    Group of islands and mountains in sea

    Asia Asset Management

    The Global Clean Energy Transition: Issues & Opportunities

    With climate change a key priority for major economies, the role of clean energy has never been more important in this period of transition. Hear views from Ron Pernick, Founder and Managing Director, Clean Edge, Inc. and Gregg Guerin, Senior Product Specialist, First Trust Global Portfolios.

    Nighttime view from above of highway overpass

    Asia Asset Management

    Thematic Tech Indexes

    Joyce Ip, Head of APAC, Nasdaq Indexes joined by Mark Marex, CFA, Research & Development Specialist, and Ben Jones, Research & Development Specialist, to discuss three key trends in thematic tech.

    Woman standing over laptop at night

    DR "NDX01"

    Efficient US Stock Investment Through the SET

    Computer hardware detail

    Asia Asset Management


    The semiconductor industry is entering a new era and post Covid, there are a host of issues and opportunities emerging on the horizon. Please click here to listen to where the specific investment opportunities are and the way forward for the industry


    Trade Talks

    Nasdaq-100®: Innovators in Focus – Microsoft
    David Tsoi, Senior Index Research Strategist at Nasdaq, talks about Microsoft - the frontrunner in the generative AI race.
    Aug 07, 2024

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