Performance data is critical to success, whether used by investors to identify true drivers of value and make better fund investment decisions, or by managers to better understand their performance, articulate their story and enhance investor relations. Yet the process of analyzing and reporting on fund performance can be time-consuming and error prone, which reduces the resources available. Private equity software solution Nasdaq eVestment™ TopQ+ automates private markets performance calculation and offers sophisticated, easy-to-use performance analytics and reporting for private markets fund managers and institutional investors.
Use Nasdaq eVestment TopQ+ to:
Track Record Creation
Create track records of performance by importing cash flow data. Be confident in the validity and accuracy of the output and mitigate risk in analysis and reporting on private equity, private debt, real estate and infastructure funds.
Create track records of performance by importing cash flow data. Be confident in the validity and accuracy of the output and mitigate risk in analysis and reporting on private equity, private debt, real estate and infastructure funds.
Customizable Analysis
Analyze metrics such as IRR, TVPI, PME and Valuation Bridges at fund and company level. Create your own benchmark by aggregating multiple track records. Understand true drivers of value by leveraging configurable filtering, dynamic slicing and dicing, and intuitive analytics functionality.
Analyze metrics such as IRR, TVPI, PME and Valuation Bridges at fund and company level. Create your own benchmark by aggregating multiple track records. Understand true drivers of value by leveraging configurable filtering, dynamic slicing and dicing, and intuitive analytics functionality.
Secure Data Distribution
Nasdaq eVestment TopQ+ facilitates the secure and private sharing of performance data between managers and investors. Access to more granular, consistent data saves valuable time and resources. Slice, dice and report on performance with confidence in the output.
Nasdaq eVestment TopQ+ facilitates the secure and private sharing of performance data between managers and investors. Access to more granular, consistent data saves valuable time and resources. Slice, dice and report on performance with confidence in the output.
Performance Reporting
Add your brand’s colors and logos to charts and graphs to make them fit seamlessly into your own documents or presentations. Easily export full dashboards or specific charts and graphs.
Add your brand’s colors and logos to charts and graphs to make them fit seamlessly into your own documents or presentations. Easily export full dashboards or specific charts and graphs.
Portfolio Modeling
Quickly model out unrealized investments of a portfolio. Project future performance by adjusting exit date, Net Asset Value (NAV) or TVPI at either the deal or portfolio level.
Quickly model out unrealized investments of a portfolio. Project future performance by adjusting exit date, Net Asset Value (NAV) or TVPI at either the deal or portfolio level.
Secure Data Storage
Store performance data in a secure, centralized repository to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or distribution of track records. Manage sharing and access to data.
Store performance data in a secure, centralized repository to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or distribution of track records. Manage sharing and access to data.
Case Studies
See how Nasdaq eVestment TopQ+ helps firms like yours:
Permira Advisers
Permira Advisers Implements Nasdaq eVestment TopQ+ to Ensure they are Evolving with Investors’ Data Requirements
Caltech Leverages Nasdaq eVestment TopQ+ to Gain Valuable Analytical Insights
Equistone Partners Europe Uses Nasdaq eVestment TopQ+ to Streamline and Manage Their Fundraising Process
How Atlas Venture Uses Nasdaq eVestment TopQ+ to Find Clarity in Their Portfolio Data
Nasdaq eVestment TopQ+ provides private equity fund managers and investors with a powerful solution to make the creation, analysis and distribution of performance data more efficient, effective and meaningful
Contact us below to find out more.