
    Nasdaq eVestment™ / Insights

    602 Strategies from 282 firms Added to Nasdaq eVestment™ in Q2 2024

    The Nasdaq-eVestment platform typically sees between 400-700 manager contributed strategies added each quarter. In Q2 2024 a total of 602 strategies were added by 282 firms. Of the 602 strategies, 60 (10%) were denoted by the associated manager as being a dedicated ESG focused capability.

    Strategies Added in Q2 by Asset Class

    By asset class, Equities represented the largest proportion of new strategies added with 255 (42% of the products added being Equity focused, followed by Fixed Income (23%) and Balanced/Multi-Asset (17%) and Hedge (16%). A full breakdown, by asset class, of the products added can be found to the right:

    From an investment focus perspective broad based diversified strategies (such as Global, Emerging Markets, Emerging Markets ex China, Pan-European etc) accounted for a significant portion of the strategies added; with 395 of the products added being multi-regional focused strategies. The balance of those strategies added had a single country focus and spanned over 10 different countries (ranging from Brazil to South Africa). Single country focused strategies across Australia, India, Japan, United Kingdom and United States each saw 5 or more strategies added in the quarter.

    While certain criteria have to be met before a strategy is assigned to a specific universe (minimum track record, critical product attributes, etc.), of the products added in the second quarter, a total of 96 different universes were represented (ranging from Alternative Risk Premia in the Hedge space to US Small Mid Cap Equity across the Public Equities space). It is critical for managers to provide complete data on their respective strategies, and be classified into the most appropriate universe, as it will improve consultant/investor screening pass rate and research activity (viewership on a strategy).

    Asset ClassCount of Product Name
    Fixed Income138
    Hedge Funds97
    Real Estate9
    Grand Total602


    This expansion was global, with reporting firms domiciled across 30 different countries. Outside of US-based managers, UK, Canadian, Australian, and French based managers added the most investment strategies in order to gain visibility with consultants and investors. The managers listed in the table below added the most strategy profiles in Q1 2024 across those countries which, in aggregate, added the most strategies during the quarter:


    CountryTotal Strategies AddedTop Firms# of Profiles Added
    United States235BlackRock10
      AQR Capital Management LLC8
      Harbor Capital Advisors8
      AllianceBernstein L.P.7
      Touchstone Investments7
    Canada114Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc.47
      Manulife Financial Group Retirement Solutions25
      Dynamic & Scotia Funds15
      Alpha-Lab Asset Management5
      RBC Global Asset Management4
    United Kingdom61Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM)9
      M&G Investments7
      Man Group7
      Schroder Investment Management Limited5
      HSBC Global Asset Management Limited3
      Rathbones Asset Management Limited3
    Japan32Daiwa Asset Management Co. Ltd.5
      Mizuho Trust & Banking Co.,Ltd.4
      SBI Okasan Asset Management Co., Ltd.4
      Sompo Asset Management Co.,Ltd.3
      BNY Mellon Investment Management Japan Ltd.2
      Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co., Ltd.2
      Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd.2
      Nissay Asset Management Corporation2
    Australia31Global X ETFs (Australia)6
      Munro Partners4
      Ironbark Asset Management (Fund Services) Limited3
      Apostle Funds Management2
      Argonaut Funds Management2
      DNR Capital2
      ECP Asset Management Pty Ltd2


    It’s important to distinguish “date added” from “inception date.” Of the strategies added in Q2, inception dates ranged from 1968 to 2024, with 23 strategies incepted in Q2 2024. Managers may choose to wait to add a strategy for several reasons – often waiting until it hits a 3-year track record or another milestone (however, if managers are looking to maximize visibility of their respective capabilities they may consider add capabilities before such thresholds are met.)

    eVestment Alliance, LLC and its affiliated entities (collectively “Nasdaq eVestment”) collect information directly from investment management firms and other sources believed to be reliable, however, eVestment does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information provided and is not responsible for any errors or omissions. Performance results may be provided with additional disclosures available on eVestment’s systems and other important considerations such as fees that may be applicable. Not for general distribution and limited distribution may only be made pursuant to client’s agreement terms. * All categories not necessarily included, Totals may not equal 100%.