European Market
Warrantit & Sertifikaatit
Securitized Derivatives is the collective name for Warrants and Certificates listed by an issuer on respective Nasdaq Nordic* market.
Within Warrants and Certificates at Nasdaq, you can find a broad range of products that offer investors investment opportunities with varying risk exposures and underlying assets.
- The Warrants product range includes Plain Vanilla Warrants, Turbo Warrants, Mini Futures and Unlimited Turbo Warrants.
- The Certificates product range includes Leveraged Certificates, Tracker Certificates and other certificates.
Extended Evening Trading Hours for Warrants and Certificates
Nasdaq Nordic offers evening trading hours until 21:55 CET for Warrants and Certificates on First North Sweden, First North Finland and First North Copenhagen.
Based on the products currently in scope, each of the Warrant and Certificate issuers decide which of their instruments will be open for trading in the evening. A list of applicable instruments can be retrieved from Nasdaq.
Products in scope:
- Warrants
- Leverage certificates
- Tracker certificates using Market Maker Order functionality
Evening trading hours**:
- 8:15-21:55 CET Stockholm
- 8:15-21:55 CET Helsinki
- 8:15-21:55 CET Norwegian products under First North Sweden
- 8:15-21:55 CET Copenhagen
For more information, please contact your broker.
*Nasdaq Nordic represents common offering by Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd and Nasdaq Stockholm AB.
**Select order books with US underlying may have trading hours from 15:30-21:55 CET.
Vaihdetuimmat vipu- ja tracker-sertifikaatit
Position: ↓ Bear ↑ Bull -- Unchanged
Vaihdetuimmat warrantit
Position: ↓ Bear ↑ Bull -- Unchanged
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