What happened
Shares of Inovio Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: INO) were jumping 5.9% higher as of 11:07 a.m. EDT on Thursday after rising as much as 13.6% earlier in the session. The big gain came following Inovio's announcement that Brazilian regulators authorized the initiation of a phase 3 clinical study of COVID-19 vaccine candidate INO-4800.
So what
Inovio had previously announced in June that it was expanding a partnership with Advaccine Biopharmaceuticals Suzhou to conduct global phase 3 studies evaluating INO-4800. The company said at the time that the late-stage testing would primarily be done in Latin America and Asia.
Today's news was welcomed by investors because they've waited a while for Inovio to advance INO-4800 into late-stage testing. The company had originally hoped to conduct a phase 3 study of its COVID-19 vaccine candidate in the U.S. However, Inovio was forced to change its plans earlier this year after the U.S. Department of Defense decided to discontinue funding for the U.S. late-stage study.
Now what
It's possible that more catalysts could be on the way for the vaccine stock. Advaccine is moving forward with two clinical trials in China evaluating INO-4800 and Sinovac's CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine. Inovio also plans to report data for other pipeline candidates later this year.
10 stocks we like better than Inovio Pharmaceuticals
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They just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now... and Inovio Pharmaceuticals wasn't one of them! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.
*Stock Advisor returns as of August 9, 2021
Keith Speights has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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