What happened
Shares of CrowdStrike (NASDAQ: CRWD) jumped 12.5% on Thursday after the cloud security leader reported financial results that exceeded investors' expectations.
So what
CrowdStrike's revenue soared 63% year over year to $431 million in its fiscal 2022 fourth quarter, which ended on Jan. 31.
Businesses are flocking to the cybersecurity platform. CrowdStrike ended the quarter with a total of 16,325 subscription customers. That was up 65% compared to the prior-year period.
Moreover, existing clients are expanding their relationships with CrowdStrike. Those subscribing to four, five, or six or more modules rose to 69%, 57%, and 34%, respectively.
"Customers are increasingly leveraging the breadth and depth of the Falcon platform as they look to transform their security stack," CEO George Kurtz said in a press release.

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Although CrowdStrike is not yet profitable on a GAAP basis, its adjusted net income more than doubled to $70.4 million, or $0.30 per share. That was well above Wall Street's estimates, which had called for adjusted earnings per share of $0.20.
Better still, CrowdStrike's cash generation grew even more impressively. Its operating and free cash flow climbed 61% and 51%, respectively, to $574.8 million and $441.8 million, in fiscal 2022.
Now what
Management projects that full-year revenue will grow roughly 48% to $2.15 billion in fiscal 2023. The company also expects its adjusted earnings per share to increase by approximately 61% at the midpoint of its guidance range, to $1.08.
"Our durable platform model and powerful innovation engine have translated into a truly differentiated offering in the market and strong momentum heading into fiscal year 2023," chief financial officer Burt Podbere said.
10 stocks we like better than CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc.
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*Stock Advisor returns as of March 3, 2022
Joe Tenebruso has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns and recommends CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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