Sometimes life feels like a punch in the face.
It is said that 90% of advisors fail within the first three years of entering the industry. I believe this reason of this is primarily because of the lack of connections to an adequate number of prospects.
One of the main reasons I started my podcast, Be Advised, was to help advisors see what was working in today’s market, and best tactics from a sales and marketing perspective. I accomplished this with help from leading experts inside and outside of the industry.
To be fair though, its not always a new tactic that is the key to success. Often it is just the ability to have the feeling like you have been hit hard, and to decide to keep going. Sometimes mental dexterity is the only difference between a top advisor and one who doesn’t make it to year four.
I had one goal with my latest episode; to share with my listeners someone that could inspire and motivate. Erik hit it out of the park. Take a listen here.
Erik Allen is the host of “Top Rated MMA” and “The Erik Allen Show” podcasts. Erik shares his experiences on how he overcame addiction, bankruptcy, and other challenges to turn his life around to become a successful entrepreneur.
Erik discusses:
- His childhood living in a cold garage––and going down the path of destruction
- The moment he decided to turn his whole life around
- How to remain focused on your end goal
- How surrounding himself with partners has helped change his life
- And more
- Be Your Own Loud: 29. How To Bounce Back After Life Punches You in the Face With Erik Allen
- Influence Accelerator Academy
Connect With Erik Allen:
- Erik Allen Media
- Instagram: Erik Allen
- LinkedIn: Erik Allen
- Facebook: Erik Allen
- Twitter: Erik Allen
- YouTube: Erik Allen
Connect With WhiteGlove:
- (844) 949-9497
- White Glove
- LinkedIn: Brad Swineheart
- Twitter: Brad Swineheart
- LinkedIn: White Glove
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- Twitter: White Glove
About Our Guest:
Erik Allen is truly a man of integrity, work ethic, and an overcomer. Despite being raised in a broken home, battling addiction, being jailed at 18, and filing for bankruptcy at 21, Erik managed to turn everything around. He is now 16+ years sober, 16+ years married with two kids, an entrepreneur, a podcaster, and a speaker, who helps up-and-coming MMA and entrepreneurs get noticed online. Erik might have been dealt a rough hand, but with the help of his Heavenly Father and a humble heart, Erik is taking each day as it comes and making it count.
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