Podcasts are an excellent source of information. With regular posting schedules, you can receive up-to-date information about each new episode.
For financial advisors, podcasts often provide information that you otherwise might not hear about.
Each podcast tends to have a running theme, which makes it a little easier to narrow down which one to listen to. For example, some podcasts focus on interviewing fellow financial planners to share how things work behind the scenes. Others invite thought leaders over to talk about a specific topic, while others cover recent news and updates on the financial world.
There are a lot of finance-related podcasts out there. It’s impossible to listen to all of them—nor should you. In this article, we’ll tell you seven of our favorites and share what we like so much about each. Give each podcast a listen and expand your knowledge of the financial industry.
The Power of Podcasts for Financial Advisors
Our favorite thing about podcasts is that they’re compatible with our busy lives. They offer on-the-go learning. You can multitask, absorbing new information when you’re commuting, working out, or doing household chores.
In fact, you can integrate podcasts fairly easily into your life. Figure out a time when you don’t have to do tasks that require your full focus, determine which podcasts would fit into those time slots, and you’re good to go.
You’ll have access to expert advice and insights right at your fingertips. You can gain wisdom from industry leaders who you might not have the opportunity to meet in person. For example, the "Financial Advisor Success" podcast by Michael Kitces features in-depth interviews with successful advisors who share their experiences, challenges, and strategies for success. This is all insider information you may not normally have access to.
Podcasts introduce you to new things, ideas, and perspectives. These fresh insights can inspire innovative strategies for your business—whether it’s related to how you should manage your business or your client’s financial life. The "Rethink. The Financial Advisor Podcast", for example, offers innovative strategies to help you rethink your approach to financial advising.
Most podcasts are structured to be motivational or inspirational. Even when it talks about failure, the main topic of the conversation would be how people picked themselves back up and continued on their journey. Hearing the success stories of other advisors can inspire you to push through challenges and strive for success.
The Top 7 Podcasts for Financial Advisors
All the podcasts on this list are a great resource for anyone offering financial services. Some of them have been around for almost a decade, while others offer new, award-winning episodes. Here are the seven best podcasts you need to listen to:
1. Rethink. The Financial Advisor Podcast
Rethink feels like a mini virtual mentorship with Adam Holt and Derek Notman. Both are practicing advisors with decades of experience who talk with other industry experts to bring a new point of view to common practices.
The Rethink podcast is in part from Adam Holt, CEO of Asset-Map, so yes, we’re a bit biased on this. But Rethink is the podcast to go to if you feel like listening to how two experts handle the ever-changing industry and analyze disruptions to the industry.
With over 53 episodes in the vault, the Rethink podcast tackles some of the harder subjects to challenge as well, such as what new technology means for financial advisors, challenges in wealth management, and how you can build a social media following as a financial professional.
We cover a broad range of topics, including practice management, fintech, financial planning, delivery of financial advice, digital marketing, designations, licenses, pricing, types of advisors, and the financial mindset.
You’re guaranteed to walk away with at least one new insight in mind after each 40-minute episode.
2. Financial Advisor Success
The Financial Advisor Success podcast hosted by Michael Kitces uncovers all of the hard work that goes into building a successful financial advisory career.
He illustrates success like an iceberg—you see all of the outcomes but none of the effort behind it.
Each week, Michael interviews one successful advisor to give you a rundown of what’s going on behind the scenes. You’ll learn how successful financial advisors do business, the breakthrough moments they experienced, the failures they don’t really talk about, and most importantly, how they navigate challenges as they come.
With 344 episodes and counting, The Financial Advisor Success podcast is easily one of the most popular podcasts in the space. With 90+-minute episodes, this podcast aims to give you one actionable idea per week to make your firm a bit more successful.
The best part? You can listen to the episodes on your favorite podcasting platform. Or you can go straight to kitces.com, where you can get the executive summary and a full transcript of each episode when you’re pressed for time.
3. Top Advisor Marketing
Whether you like it or not, marketing is a necessary part of your advisory. Even if you’re the best advisor around who goes above and beyond to make sure that clients walk out 110% happier, you’ll have a hard time growing—and getting new clients—if no one knows about your firm.
The problem? Most financial advisers aren’t formally taught in marketing. That’s where the Top Advisor Marketing podcast comes in.
Updated weekly (and with over 426 episodes), the Top Advisor Marketing podcast invites entrepreneurs, marketers, and financial advisors who have struck gold with their marketing strategies.
The Top Advisor Marketing podcast is hosted by Proudmouth co-founder Matt Halloran. With most episodes running 40 minutes or less, you can listen to it during your lunch break and go back to work with one new marketing idea.
You can listen to the podcast on your favorite podcast platform, through their website, or on their YouTube channel.
4. Fiduciary U
The Fiduciary U is a podcast hosted by Josh Itzoe, founder and CEO of FiduciaryWor(k)s. It covers a range of industry trends, news, and best practices to keep you updated.
This podcast will be especially useful if you’re a retirement planner, as most of the episodes cover more about retirement planning than any other discipline.
While there isn’t a set schedule for this podcast, you still have access to 47 episodes of financial industry knowledge to dig into. If you’re a retirement planner, curious to see how other retirement planners run their business, or just interested in retirement planning trends in general, give this podcast a listen.
5. Planet Money
Planet Money is a podcast for the general public who’s interested in all things economics, including behavioral finance, money management, personal finance, and up-and-coming fintech. Planet Money connects what’s happening in the world back to the economy, and it’s one of the top-rated finance podcasts in most podcast apps, including Spotify and Apple Podcast.
Published by NPR, the Planet Money podcast has plenty of episodes to keep you entertained. You can finish each episode in 30 minutes or less, making it a good fit for a light and insightful listening session.
Another plus point to this podcast is that most people who are interested in the economy, including your clients, are likely a listener as well. As one of the oldest ongoing economy podcasts, things discussed in Planet Money are highly relevant to your client’s real world, making it a good topic for discussion.
6. The Look and Sound of Leadership
The Look and Sound of Leadership podcast, while not a finance or economy podcast, is still a must-listen for financial advisors.
Coaching and leadership is the hidden aspect of your career as a financial advisor. Most of your client’s impressions of your expertise are shaped during one of your initial client meetings. Having your leadership, coaching, and communication skills at the highest level would help you build a stronger relationship with your clients.
Additionally, if you’re interested in moving up the career ladder into an executive position, this podcast can help you brush up on your leadership skills.
Hosted by Tom Henschel, an executive coach from Essential Communications, this podcast is jam-packed with advice based on decades of experience coaching leaders in various industries.
7. Morningstar: The Long View
Similar to Planet Money, The Long View is a podcast for the general public. However, unlike Planet Money, which turns the economy into something that’s easily understood, The Long View is all about investing. If you’re an investment manager or an RIA, The Long View is worth checking out.
Published by Morningstar, one of the most trusted providers for investment research, The Long View is a great resource that covers a broad range of topics for people in every stage of their financial life.
With more than 226 episodes to date, Morningstar continues to expand its library with weekly 60-minute episodes.
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