The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down

Ben Walsh Intraday Update Markets CUBE CXO EXR FANG GRMN NSA PSA Concho Resources Diamondback Energy Diamondback Energy Garmin Garmin Public Storage Public Storage CubeSmart CubeSmart National Storage Affiliates Trust National Storage Affiliates Trust Extra Space Storage Energy Crude Oil/Natural Gas Upstream Operations Natural Gas/Oil Exploration Fossil Fuels Asia Pacific Asia BRICS Countries China Greater China Emerging Market Countries Developing Economies Eastern Asia Commodity/Financial Market News Content Types Factiva Filters C&E Exclusion Filter CUBE FANG GRMN I/FSL I/OIS M/ENE N/DJN N/MKT N/WER NSA PSA R/ASI R/CH R/FE R/FEO Barrons Blogs Wires COMP DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average Nasdaq Composite S&P 500 SPX CODES_REVIEWED Companies Intraday Update Investing Markets author Ben Walsh author|Ben Walsh topicid 8572 name Ben Walsh extractedtext Ben Walsh rank 1 codetype author code ben_walsh nameformat surname_first author Ben Walsh id Ben Walsh barrons_display_brand BARIDAY barrons_display_brand|BARIDAY codetype BARRONS_DISPLAY_BRAND canbedisplaybrand true value BARIDAY source MANUAL status modified name Intraday Update code BARIDAY barrons_display_subject BARMKTS barrons_display_subject|BARMKTS codetype BARRONS_DISPLAY_SUBJECT canbedisplaysubject true value BARMKTS source MANUAL status modified name Markets code BARMKTS co dmdfng co|dmdfng country US symbol FANG displayname Diamondback Energy why about extractedtext Diamondback Energy source FACTIVA occurs true seoname diamondback_energy orgtype public countrycode US relevancerange low chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNAS/FANG fcode dmdfng fullextractedtext Diamondback Energy ticker FANG confidence 100 subcat com relevance 25 significance prominent name Diamondback Energy confidencerange high exchange Nasdaq exchangeisocode XNAS codetype co code dmdfng onlinesignificance prominent co grmgps co|grmgps country US symbol GRMN displayname Garmin why occur extractedtext Garmin source FACTIVA seoname garmin countrycode US relevancerange low chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNAS/GRMN fcode grmgps fullextractedtext Garmin ticker GRMN confidence 100 subcat com relevance 26 significance prominent name Garmin confidencerange high exchange Nasdaq exchangeisocode XNAS codetype co code grmgps status modified onlinesignificance prominent co seq co|seq country US symbol PSA displayname Public Storage why occur extractedtext Public Storage source FACTIVA seoname public_storage countrycode US relevancerange low chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/PSA fcode seq fullextractedtext Public Storage ticker PSA confidence 92 subcat com relevance 19 significance passing name Public Storage confidencerange high exchange NYSE exchangeisocode XNYS codetype co code seq onlinesignificance passing-mention co ustrtr co|ustrtr country US symbol CUBE displayname CubeSmart why occur extractedtext CubeSmart source FACTIVA seoname cubesmart countrycode US relevancerange low chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/CUBE fcode ustrtr fullextractedtext CubeSmart ticker CUBE confidence 100 subcat com relevance 20 significance passing name CubeSmart confidencerange high exchange NYSE exchangeisocode XNYS codetype co code ustrtr onlinesignificance passing-mention co xnatst co|xnatst country US symbol NSA displayname National Storage Affiliates Trust why occur extractedtext National Storage Affiliates Trust source FACTIVA seoname national_storage_affiliates_trust countrycode US relevancerange low chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/NSA fcode xnatst fullextractedtext National Storage Affiliates Trust ticker NSA confidence 100 subcat com relevance 15 significance passing name National Storage Affiliates Trust confidencerange high exchange NYSE exchangeisocode XNYS codetype co code xnatst onlinesignificance passing-mention co GRMGPS co|GRMGPS symbol GRMN country US codetype co displayname Garmin extractedtext Garmin source MANUAL code grmn name Garmin significance prominent exchange U.S.: Nasdaq exchangeisocode XNAS chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNAS/GRMN fcode GRMGPS status modified onlinesignificance passing-mention co CNCHRI co|CNCHRI symbol CXO country US codetype co displayname Concho Resources extractedtext Concho Resources source MANUAL code cxo name Concho Resources significance prominent exchange U.S.: NYSE exchangeisocode XNYS chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/CXO fcode CNCHRI status modified onlinesignificance passing-mention co DMDFNG co|DMDFNG symbol FANG country US codetype co displayname Diamondback Energy extractedtext Diamondback Energy source MANUAL code fang name Diamondback Energy significance prominent exchange U.S.: Nasdaq exchangeisocode XNAS chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNAS/FANG fcode DMDFNG status modified onlinesignificance passing-mention co XTRSPS co|XTRSPS symbol EXR country US codetype co displayname Extra Space Storage extractedtext Extra Space Storage source MANUAL code exr name Extra Space Storage significance prominent exchange U.S.: NYSE exchangeisocode XNYS chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/EXR fcode XTRSPS status modified onlinesignificance passing-mention co SEQ co|SEQ symbol PSA country US codetype co displayname Public Storage extractedtext Public Storage source MANUAL code psa name Public Storage significance prominent exchange U.S.: NYSE exchangeisocode XNYS chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/PSA fcode SEQ status modified onlinesignificance passing-mention co XNATST co|XNATST symbol NSA country US codetype co displayname National Storage Affiliates Trust extractedtext National Storage Affiliates Trust source MANUAL code nsa name National Storage Affiliates Trust significance prominent exchange U.S.: NYSE exchangeisocode XNYS chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/NSA fcode XNATST status modified onlinesignificance passing-mention co USTRTR co|USTRTR symbol CUBE country US codetype co displayname CubeSmart extractedtext CubeSmart source MANUAL code cube name CubeSmart significance prominent exchange U.S.: NYSE exchangeisocode XNYS chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/CUBE fcode USTRTR status modified onlinesignificance passing-mention company GRMN company|GRMN name Garmin significance PASSING-MENTION company CXO company|CXO name Concho Resources significance PASSING-MENTION company FANG company|FANG name Diamondback Energy significance PASSING-MENTION company EXR company|EXR name Extra Space Storage significance PASSING-MENTION company PSA company|PSA name Public Storage significance PASSING-MENTION company NSA company|NSA name National Storage Affiliates Trust significance PASSING-MENTION company CUBE company|CUBE name CubeSmart significance PASSING-MENTION djn FANG djn|FANG significance prominent name FANG why about source FACTIVA occurs true fcode FANG codetype djn code fang onlinesignificance prominent djn GRMN djn|GRMN significance passing name GRMN why occur source FACTIVA fcode GRMN codetype djn code grmn onlinesignificance passing-mention djn PSA djn|PSA significance passing name PSA why occur source FACTIVA fcode PSA codetype djn code psa onlinesignificance passing-mention djn CUBE djn|CUBE significance passing name CUBE why occur source FACTIVA fcode CUBE codetype djn code cube onlinesignificance passing-mention djn NSA djn|NSA significance passing name NSA why occur source FACTIVA fcode NSA codetype djn code nsa onlinesignificance passing-mention djn M/ENE djn|M/ENE name M/ENE why lineage source FACTIVA fcode M/ENE codetype djn code m_ene djn I/OIS djn|I/OIS name I/OIS why association source FACTIVA fcode I/OIS codetype djn code i_ois djn I/FSL djn|I/FSL name I/FSL why lineage source FACTIVA fcode I/FSL codetype djn code i_fsl djn N/MKT djn|N/MKT significance prominent name N/MKT why about source FACTIVA fcode N/MKT codetype djn code n_mkt onlinesignificance prominent djn R/CH djn|R/CH significance prominent name R/CH why about source FACTIVA fcode R/CH codetype djn code r_ch onlinesignificance prominent djn R/ASI djn|R/ASI name R/ASI why lineage source FACTIVA fcode R/ASI codetype djn code r_asi djn R/FE djn|R/FE name R/FE why lineage source FACTIVA fcode R/FE codetype djn code r_fe djn R/FEO djn|R/FEO name R/FEO why lineage source FACTIVA fcode R/FEO codetype djn code r_feo djn N/DJN djn|N/DJN codetype djn value N/DJN source DJN-CONTROL status modified inactivebydefault true name N/DJN code n_djn djn N/WER djn|N/WER codetype djn value N/WER source DJN-CONTROL status modified inactivebydefault true name N/WER code n_wer first_publish_headline The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down first_publish_headline|The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down flow NWREGULAR flow|NWREGULAR codetype FLOW value NWREGULAR source MANUAL status modified name Wires code NWREGULAR flow flow| codetype FLOW value source MANUAL status modified name code online name Online title Product code flow Barrons Blogs flow|Barrons Blogs codetype FLOW value Barrons Blogs title Product source MANUAL status modified name Barrons Blogs code Barrons_Blogs headline The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down headline|The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down in i1 in|i1 name Energy why lineage source FACTIVA fcode i1 codetype in code i1 in i13 in|i13 name Crude Oil/Natural Gas Upstream Operations why lineage source FACTIVA fcode i13 codetype in code i13 in iexplo in|iexplo name Natural Gas/Oil Exploration why association source FACTIVA fcode iexplo codetype in code iexplo in ifosfl in|ifosfl name Fossil Fuels why lineage source FACTIVA fcode ifosfl codetype in code ifosfl index Dow Jones Industrial Average index|Dow Jones Industrial Average symbol DJIA country US codetype index displayname Dow Jones Industrial Average extractedtext Dow Jones Industrial Average source MANUAL code djia name Dow Jones Industrial Average significance prominent exchange Dow Jones Global exchangeisocode DOW JONES GLOBAL chartingsymbol INDEX/US/DOW JONES GLOBAL/DJIA status modified onlinesignificance prominent index S&P 500 index|S&P 500 symbol SPX country US codetype index displayname S&P 500 Index extractedtext S&P 500 source MANUAL code spx name S&P 500 significance prominent exchange S&P US exchangeisocode S&P US chartingsymbol INDEX/US/S&P US/SPX status modified onlinesignificance prominent index Nasdaq Composite index|Nasdaq Composite symbol COMP country US codetype index displayname NASDAQ Composite Index extractedtext Nasdaq Composite source MANUAL code comp name Nasdaq Composite significance prominent exchange U.S.: Nasdaq exchangeisocode XNAS chartingsymbol INDEX/US/XNAS/COMP status modified onlinesignificance prominent media media-2 media|media-2 responsive layout wrap softcrop Horizontal imphotoid im-126049 location media media-1 media|media-1 softcrop Horizontal imphotoid im-126049 location ns mcat ns|mcat significance prominent name Commodity/Financial Market News why about source FACTIVA fcode mcat codetype ns code mcat onlinesignificance prominent ns ncat ns|ncat name Content Types why lineage source FACTIVA internalsymbol true fcode ncat codetype ns code ncat ns nfact ns|nfact name Factiva Filters why lineage source FACTIVA internalsymbol true fcode nfact codetype ns code nfact ns nfce ns|nfce name C&E Exclusion Filter why lineage source FACTIVA internalsymbol true fcode nfce codetype ns code nfce nwchain SB507239867453961034928045862130833080315521 nwchain|SB507239867453961034928045862130833080315521 re china re|china significance prominent name China why about source FACTIVA subcat cntry fcode china codetype re code china onlinesignificance prominent re apacz re|apacz name Asia Pacific why lineage source FACTIVA subcat snr fcode apacz codetype re code apacz re asiaz re|asiaz name Asia why lineage source FACTIVA subcat snr fcode asiaz codetype re code asiaz re bric re|bric name BRICS Countries why lineage source FACTIVA subcat eco fcode bric codetype re code bric re chinaz re|chinaz name Greater China why lineage source FACTIVA subcat sc fcode chinaz codetype re code chinaz re devgcoz re|devgcoz name Emerging Market Countries why lineage source FACTIVA subcat eco fcode devgcoz codetype re code devgcoz re dvpcoz re|dvpcoz name Developing Economies why lineage source FACTIVA subcat eco fcode dvpcoz codetype re code dvpcoz re easiaz re|easiaz name Eastern Asia why lineage source FACTIVA subcat sc fcode easiaz codetype re code easiaz relay SYND relay|SYND name Syndication source EXPANDER value SYND codetype RELAY code synd status modified statistic CODES_REVIEWED statistic|CODES_REVIEWED name CODES_REVIEWED value CODES_REVIEWED codetype STATISTIC code CODES_REVIEWED subject OAMK subject|OAMK description 04|Markets|Asia Mkts News source EXPANDER value OAMK codetype SUBJECT code oamk subject BARCOMP subject|BARCOMP ruleid BARCOMP codetype SUBJECT value BARCOMP canbedisplaysubject true name Companies title Companies status modified code BARCOMP subject BARMKTS subject|BARMKTS ruleid BARMKTS codetype SUBJECT value BARMKTS selectable true canbedisplaysubject true name Markets title Markets status modified code BARMKTS subject BARINVST subject|BARINVST ruleid BARINVST codetype SUBJECT value BARINVST canbedisplaysubject true name Investing title Investing status modified code BARINVST subject BARIDAY subject|BARIDAY ruleid BARIDAY codetype SUBJECT value BARIDAY canbedisplaybrand true name Intraday Update title Intraday Update status modified code BARIDAY wordcount 284 wordcount|284 id facebook id|facebook news_tab_url The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 160 points, or 0.6%. The S&P 500 gained 0.6%, and the Nasdaq Composite was up 1%.

The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 160 points, or 0.6%. The S&P 500 gained 0.6%, and the Nasdaq Composite was up 1%.|MCORGID=CB68E4BA55144CAA0A4C98A5%40AdobeOrg|TS=1582130468&adobe_mc=MCMID=19461798203826062844473351274689133644|MCORGID=CB68E4BA55144CAA0A4C98A5%40AdobeOrg|TS=1582130613|MCORGID=CB68E4BA55144CAA0A4C98A5%40AdobeOrg|TS=1582130512&adobe_mc=MCMID=19461798203826062844473351274689133644|MCORGID=CB68E4BA55144CAA0A4C98A5%40AdobeOrg|TS=1582130631 The Dow Is Up 160 Points Because New Coronavirus Cases in China Are Down By Ben Walsh

Bouncing. The three major U.S. stock market indexes rose after news that the number of new coronavirus cases in China fell for the second day in a row and Japan’s exports fell by far less than economists had feared.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 160 points, or 0.6%. The S&P 500 gained 0.6%, and the Nasdaq Composite was up 1%.

Midday Movers

Garmin (ticker: GRMN) jumped 7.6% after its fourth quarter came in ahead of Wall Street expectations, it raised its dividend and provided 2020 earnings guidance that came in ahead of analysts’ consensus.

Concho Resources (CXO) was up 6.9% and Diamondback Energy (FANG) rose 5.2% after they reported earnings that signaled they are beginning to prioritize returning cash to shareholders instead of rapidly pursuing growth.

Self storage stocks took a hit after Extra Space Storage (EXR) provided 2020 guidance for same-store net operating income growth of between negative 0.5% and positive 1.0%, per Bloomberg. That sent its stock tumbling 7%. Public Storage (PSA) lost 5.3%, National Storage Affiliates Trust (NSA) dropped 4.3%, and CubeSmart (CUBE) was down 3.2%.

Write to Ben Walsh at

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.


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