Between trying to secure loans, getting better interest rates on credit cards or just generally paying off your credit card balance with on-time payments, your credit report could be all over the place. Improving your credit score is a goal for many Americans, but you might not be aware of all the nuances of lines of credit and credit histories.
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Here’s a simple breakdown for how lenders will assess your FICO score range and credit accounts based on a credit scoring model:
- Good Credit Score: A good credit score, according to Experian, is typically in the range of 670 through 739. A very good credit score ranges from 740 to 799 and an exceptional credit score will be 800 or higher. Having one of the highest average credit scores will make it easier to secure loans or not have to worry about higher interest rates.
- Fair Credit Score: A fair credit score falls between 580 to 669.
- Poor Credit Score: 579 or lower is considered a poor score and you would be considered a risky borrower.
- Payment History: Your FICO score is largely based on your payment history. It gives lenders an insight into your ability to make payments on time. It also includes details on missed payments, late payments, days past due and collection accounts.
- Credit Utilization Ratio: This number is derived by dividing your credit used by your total credit limit.
- Credit Applications: Multiple hard inquiries for new credit can ding your credit score.
- Length of Credit History: The length of your credit history also affects your score; however, if you show a long track record of paying off your credit card debt with on-time payments, this is a positive signal to lenders.
- Credit Mix: Credit mix is the types of accounts you have — credit cards vs. installment loans such as mortgages or auto loans.
If you’ve been trying to improve your score or are just curious about scores in general, sometimes it helps to compare your credit with others in similar economic situations. Having a breakdown of average credit scores by state can be eye-opening for how you stack up financially.
Here is the average credit score in every state, according to a 2023 Experian study.
Also see the average credit score at every age.

Alabama: 692
The average credit score for an Alabama resident is 692, which would be considered just above fair into the good range. People in Alabama have an average debt of about $77,981.
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Alaska: 722
The average credit score for an Alaska resident is 722, which is good. People living in Alaska have an average debt of about $117,409.
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Arizona: 713
The average credit score for an Arizona resident is 713. The average debt in the state is $115,963.

Arkansas: 696
The average credit score for an Arkansas resident is 696. People in Arkansas have an average debt of about $74,770.

California: 722
The average credit score for a person living in California is 722, which is a good credit position to be in. However, residents show average debt of about $148,428 — which is third highest among the states.

Colorado: 731
The average credit score for a Colorado resident is 731, generally higher than the national average. People in Colorado also have a lot of debt — the average $154,481 ranks first in the nation.
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Connecticut: 726
The average credit score for a Connecticut resident is 726. People in Connecticut have an average debt of about $110,034.

Delaware: 715
Delaware residents show an average credit score of 715. They have an average of $106,317 worth of debt.

Florida: 708
The average credit score for a Florida resident is 708. People living in the Sunshine State have an average debt of $94,933.

Georgia: 695
The average credit score for a person living in Georgia is 695. Georgia residents have an average debt balance of $94,927.
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Hawaii: 732
The average credit score for a Hawaiian resident is 732. As the cost of living tends to be higher in Hawaii, it also tracks that the average debt in the state is $147,103.

Idaho: 729
The average credit score for an Idaho resident is 729, which means people living there tend to have good credit. The average debt is $120,766.

Illinois: 720
The average credit score for those living in Illinois is 720. A strong credit history also depends on your debt ratio, which for residents in Illinois averages out to $89,523 per person.

Indiana: 713
The average credit score for an Indiana resident is 713, which sets it squarely in the good credit range. Indiana locals also have an average debt of about $79,349.
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Iowa: 730
The average credit score for an Iowa resident is 730. People in Iowa also show an average debt of $80,933.

Kansas: 723
The average credit score for a Kansas resident is 723, and the debt per person is around $80,961.

Kentucky: 705
The average credit score for a Kentucky resident is 705. The average debt in the Bluegrass State is $73,132.

Louisiana: 690
Louisiana residents show an average credit score of 690, and the average debt for someone living in Louisiana is about $80,616.
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Maine: 731
The average credit score for a Maine resident is 731. People there have an average debt of $87,920.

Maryland: 716
The average credit score for a Maryland resident is 716. People of Maryland also have an average debt of $131,948.

Massachusetts: 732
The average credit score for someone living in Massachusetts is 732. The average debt in Massachusetts is $127,277.

Michigan: 719
The average credit score for a Michigan resident is 719, which means typically someone living in The Mitten State has a good score. The average person in Michigan is around $77,903 in debt.
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Minnesota: 742
The average credit score for a Minnesota resident is 742, which is one of the highest average scores nationally. The average debt per person is $106,981.

Mississippi: 680
The average credit score for a Mississippi resident is 680. People in Mississippi have an average debt total of $65,547 — the second-lowest number among the 50 states.

Missouri: 714
The average credit score for a Missouri resident is 714. People in Missouri have an average debt of about $82,488.

Montana: 732
The average credit score for a Montana resident is 732. People living in Montana have an average debt of about $104,133.
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Nebraska: 731
The average credit score for a Nebraska is 731. The average debt for someone living in Nebraska is $85,433.

Nevada: 702
The average credit score for a Nevada is 702. People in Nevada have an average debt of about $116,440.

New Hampshire: 736
The average credit score for a New Hampshire resident is 736. The average debt is $106,865.

New Jersey: 725
The average credit score for a New Jersey is 725. People in New Jersey have an average debt of $111,172.
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New Mexico: 702
The average credit score for a New Mexico resident is 702. People in New Mexico have an average debt of about $84,778.

New York: 721
The average credit score for a New York resident is 721. New Yorkers also show an average debt of $93,361 per person.

North Carolina: 709
The average credit score for a North Carolina resident is 709, and the average debt in the Tar Heel State is $96,426.

North Dakota: 733
The average credit score for a North Dakota resident is 733. Those who live in North Dakota also have an average debt of about $91,074.
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Ohio: 716
Ohio residents have an average credit score of 716. People living in Ohio also have an average debt totaling around $75,243.

Oklahoma: 696
The average credit score for an Oklahoma resident is 696. Those living in Oklahoma also have an average debt load of $75,022.

Oregon: 732
The average credit score for an Oregon resident is 732. People in Oregon have an average debt of about $123,090.

Pennsylvania: 723
The average credit score for a Pennsylvania person is 723. Residents also have an average debt of about $85,047.
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Rhode Island: 722
The average credit score for a Rhode Island resident is 722. A person living in Rhode Island shows an average debt of $100,960.

South Carolina: 699
The average credit score for a person living in South Carolina is around 699. The average debt for a South Carolina resident is also $93,167.

South Dakota: 734
The average credit score for a South Dakota resident is 734. People in South Dakota have an average debt of about $92,733.

Tennessee: 705
The average credit score for a Tennessee resident is 705. Those living in Tennessee have an average debt of about $93,821.

Texas: 695
The average credit score for someone living in Texas is 695. Residents also have an average debt of about $95,537.
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Utah: 731
The average credit score for someone living in Utah is 731. Utah residents also are about $138,485 in debt.

Vermont: 737
The average credit score for a Vermont resident is 737. The average personal debt in Vermont is $90,960.

Virginia: 722
The average credit score for a Virginia resident is 722. People in Virginia have an average debt of about $128,386.

Washington: 735
The average credit score for a Washington resident is 735. People in Washington have around $150,462 of debt.

West Virginia: 703
West Virginia residents have an average credit score of 703. The average debt for West Virginians is also around $64,320.

Wisconsin: 737
The average credit score for a Wisconsin is 737. People in Wisconsin have an average debt of about $85,881.

Wyoming: 724
The average credit score for a Wyoming resident is 724. People have an average debt of $108,846.
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This article originally appeared on The Average Credit Score in Each State — See Where Your State Ranks
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