The Polkadot (CRYPTO: DOT) cryptocurrency nearly reached $10 per token recently, peaking at $9.50 for a few minutes on Christmas Day. Since then, the official crypto network of the Web3 Foundation has backed down to $7 per token.
That short-lived jump was Polkadot's highest price reading since the summer of 2022. Whether priced at $10 or $7, recent prices are a big step down from the all-time record of $55 per token, just before the inflation crisis started in the fall of 2021. On the upside, today's Polkadot price is nearly double the multi-year lows of October 2023.
So Polkadot is taking a roller-coaster ride these days. Will the next turn be another sudden drop, or will investors be treated to one of those climbs that make you want to yell, "I can see my house from up here"?
The truth is that nobody knows for sure, but I can make some educated guesses. Come along for the ride!
The reasons behind the big dip
The brutal price cut in 2022 reflected a handful of loosely related events:
- Like most cryptocurrencies, Polkadot was caught up in the massive crypto market decline in 2022 as investors pulled back from riskier assets amid economic uncertainty.
- But that's not the whole story. Polkadot has close ties with crypto-based lending platforms like Acala that struggled when crypto prices crashed. This fallout damaged investor confidence in Polkadot and other closely related projects.
- Hang in there, I'm almost done. Polkadot's parachains are advanced plug-in crypto networks that add functionality to the main Polkadot network. Their funding and development are managed through parachain auctions, leading up to proper launches in a strictly scheduled timeline. Unfortunately, some of the parachain auctions in 2022 resulted in late launches or insufficient funding. Investors saw this as another sign of weakness, undermining Polkadot's true value.
Polkadot's future plans and prospects
I would argue that Polkadot's critics are making mountains out of anthills.
The economy at large is getting to grips with the inflation crisis, giving growth stocks and cryptocurrencies a second wind. Lessons learned from the Acala meltdown should help Polkadot and its developer community avoid similar disasters in the future. And the parachain auction weakness sprung quite directly from the global economy's issues at the time -- I haven't seen any delays in recent auctions.
Some of the most recent auction winners are back for a second helping of crowdsourced funding. For example, Clover Finance won its second parachain auction on November 6, 2023, refreshing a parachain lease that was set to expire after a two-year term. Parallel Finance did the same thing the next week, refilling the operating coffers of another promising decentralized finance system.
Clover connects Polkadot to Ethereum (CRYPTO: ETH) with full support for smart contracts, and Parallel Finance facilitates lending services with a tighter focus than Acala. So the parachain community is moving forward and doubling down on backing some of its most promising projects.
Moreover, Polkadot (and Ethereum) co-founder Gavin Wood has proposed a new way to run the project-funding ecosystem under the banner of Polkadot 2.0.
Wood's new vision aims to plug holes in the original Polkadot design that were only discovered with the system in full operation. If that sounds a lot like the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade, you're on the right track. The new solution should provide more stable and predictable funding across different parachain projects, with a mix of quick cash infusions and robust long-term support.
Polkadot looks cheap below $10
This sounds like a healthy cryptocurrency system to me, pulling every available lever to deliver support for the Web3 vision. The future of online content and transactions will be more personal and rely on fewer go-betweens and mediators. Traditional banking services move to crypto-supported apps on your smartphone without a corporation seeking profits from every interaction. Ownership is going digital, several layers of encryption will protect your data along the way, and Polkadot serves as the lifeblood of these activities.
Now, Polkadot isn't the only crypto token that can support the secure and highly personalized transmission and storage of public and personal data. However, it's the only ecosystem explicitly designed for that purpose, and I expect it to serve many popular purposes even if the Web3 market becomes fragmented.
Long story short, I highly recommend grabbing a few Polkadot tokens while they are cheap. Anything less than $10 per token looks like a steal, and today's $7 level is an even nicer starting point.
Should you invest $1,000 in Polkadot right now?
Before you buy stock in Polkadot, consider this:
The Motley Fool Stock Advisor analyst team just identified what they believe are the 10 best stocks for investors to buy now... and Polkadot wasn't one of them. The 10 stocks that made the cut could produce monster returns in the coming years.
Stock Advisor provides investors with an easy-to-follow blueprint for success, including guidance on building a portfolio, regular updates from analysts, and two new stock picks each month. The Stock Advisor service has more than tripled the return of S&P 500 since 2002*.
*Stock Advisor returns as of December 18, 2023
Anders Bylund has positions in Ethereum and Polkadot. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Ethereum. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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