DENVER, CO - RE/MAX Commercial®, a division of the Denver-based franchisor RE/MAX, LLC, is opening two new franchises in Canada this month, furthering the company's global commercial real estate footprint.
Just last month, RE/MAX Commercial announced the opening of its first commercial-only office in Latin America (Bogota, Colombia), and two new commercial divisions in Spain and Belize.
"There's significant opportunity in the Canadian market for investors and commercial buyers and as a real estate office, the time to focus on this segment of the market is now," said Mike Reagan, RE/MAX Senior Vice President, Business Alliances. "Our RE/MAX Broker/Owners and agents in Canada have the expertise and knowledge to make these Commercial offices a tremendous success. We're pleased to have them join our global RE/MAX family."
RE/MAX Commercial Advantage, Fraser Valley, is opening its second office in Langley, BC, under Broker/Owner Moojan Azizi. And, new Broker/Owner Roger Ledene opens RE/MAX Complete Commercial in Calgary, Alberta.
RE/MAX Commercial has expanded into 42 countries with approximately 3,000 commercial practitioners and over 300 offices and divisions combined. In 2010, RE/MAX agents closed over $5.1 billion in investment sales and leasing transactions. This put them into the ranks of the world's premier commercial companies and National Real Estate Investor (NREI) magazine's Top 25 list of commercial brokerage networks
RE/MAX Commercial has the most Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designees in Canada and one of the largest worldwide CCIM contingents in the industry. Many of these elite RE/MAX Commercial practitioners gathered at the company's Denver headquarters Sept. 19-21 for the annual RE/MAX Commercial World Symposium.
For more information about RE/MAX Commercial or to find a RE/MAX Commercial practitioner, visit
RE/MAX Commercial Video: "Did You Know? The RE/MAX Commercial Real Estate Edition."
About RE/MAX Commercial®
RE/MAX Commercial, a division of the Denver-based real estate franchisor, RE/MAX LLC, has a Global Network of commercial practitioners who close billions of dollars in sales and lease volume each year. Experience, knowledge and training are trademarks of RE/MAX Commercial, and its prominence in this sector of the real estate industry is driven by global brand recognition and high performance in the marketplace. Nobody in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX.
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The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.