The NASDAQ 100 Pre-Market Indicator is up 80.22 to 21,055.84. The total Pre-Market volume is currently 95,291,769 shares traded.
The following are the most active stocks for the pre-market session:
Quantum-Si Incorporated (QSI) is +0.77 at $5.03, with 14,098,676 shares traded., following a 52-week high recorded in prior regular session.
SES AI Corporation (SES) is +0.36 at $2.26, with 10,089,627 shares traded. SES's current last sale is 226% of the target price of $1.
Direxion Daily TSLA Bull 2X Shares (TSLL) is +0.15 at $24.34, with 4,869,607 shares traded. This represents a 392.71% increase from its 52 Week Low.
Cerence Inc. (CRNC) is +2.33 at $10.26, with 4,234,818 shares traded. CRNC's current last sale is 186.55% of the target price of $5.5.
NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) is +1.11 at $139.42, with 2,770,641 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for NVDA is in the "buy range".
Neumora Therapeutics, Inc. (NMRA) is +0.1908 at $2.16, with 2,114,673 shares traded., following a 52-week high recorded in prior regular session.
Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) is +1.44 at $380.72, with 1,939,610 shares traded. TSLA's current last sale is 131.54% of the target price of $289.43., Inc. (BBAI) is -0.16 at $3.95, with 1,782,541 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for BBAI is in the "buy range".
D-Wave Quantum Inc. (QBTS) is -0.4594 at $9.15, with 1,527,057 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for QBTS is in the "buy range".
United States Steel Corporation (X) is -2.6 at $30.00, with 1,107,778 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for X is in the "buy range".
NIO Inc. (NIO) is unchanged at $4.55, with 1,040,812 shares traded. NIO's current last sale is 75.83% of the target price of $6.
QuantumScape Corporation (QS) is +0.02 at $5.56, with 413,866 shares traded. QS's current last sale is 107.96% of the target price of $5.15.
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