The NASDAQ 100 Pre-Market Indicator is up 116.55 to 21,484.73. The total Pre-Market volume is currently 144,926,925 shares traded.
The following are the most active stocks for the pre-market session:
Candel Therapeutics, Inc. (CADL) is +6.58 at $11.19, with 23,372,349 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for CADL is in the "strong buy range".
Rezolve AI Limited (RZLV) is +0.5008 at $2.43, with 19,455,292 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for RZLV is in the "strong buy range".
Silexion Therapeutics Corp (SLXN) is +0.35 at $3.07, with 5,671,432 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for SLXN is in the "strong buy range".
Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) is +0.42 at $185.59, with 5,026,732 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for GOOGL is in the "buy range".
Quantum-Si Incorporated (QSI) is +0.5498 at $2.81, with 4,977,621 shares traded. QSI's current last sale is 86.46% of the target price of $3.25.
Super Micro Computer, Inc. (SMCI) is -2.12 at $38.42, with 4,082,982 shares traded. SMCI's current last sale is 93.14% of the target price of $41.25.
D-Wave Quantum Inc. (QBTS) is +0.34 at $5.02, with 3,986,365 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for QBTS is in the "buy range".
Macy's Inc (M) is -1.79 at $14.93, with 1,623,068 shares traded. Over the last four weeks they have had 3 up revisions for the earnings forecast, for the fiscal quarter ending Oct 2024. The consensus EPS forecast is $0.07. M's current last sale is 87.82% of the target price of $17.
Transocean Ltd. (RIG) is unchanged at $3.98, with 1,617,995 shares traded. RIG's current last sale is 66.33% of the target price of $6., Inc. (BBAI) is -0.07 at $3.04, with 1,366,928 shares traded. As reported by Zacks, the current mean recommendation for BBAI is in the "buy range".
Lloyds Banking Group Plc (LYG) is +0.12 at $2.81, with 1,058,582 shares traded. LYG's current last sale is 102.18% of the target price of $2.75.
Joby Aviation, Inc. (JOBY) is -0.52 at $8.02, with 934,602 shares traded. JOBY's current last sale is 94.35% of the target price of $8.5.
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