Opko Health Now Owns 14.30% of Sema4 Holdings Corp - (SMFR)

Fintel reports that Opko Health has filed a 13D/A form with the SEC disclosing ownership of 117.43MM shares of Sema4 Holdings Corp - Class A (SMFR). This represents 14.3% of the company.

In their previous filing dated February 3, 2023 they reported 94.29MM shares and 11.60% of the company, an increase in shares of 24.55% and an increase in total ownership of 2.70% (calculated as current - previous percent ownership).

Analyst Price Forecast Suggests 474.69% Upside

As of March 27, 2023, the average one-year price target for Sema4 Holdings Corp - is $1.78. The forecasts range from a low of $1.01 to a high of $3.15. The average price target represents an increase of 474.69% from its latest reported closing price of $0.31.

See our leaderboard of companies with the largest price target upside.

The projected annual revenue for Sema4 Holdings Corp - is $222MM. The projected annual non-GAAP EPS is -$0.48.

What is the Fund Sentiment?

There are 204 funds or institutions reporting positions in Sema4 Holdings Corp -. This is a decrease of 13 owner(s) or 5.99% in the last quarter. Average portfolio weight of all funds dedicated to SMFR is 0.02%, a decrease of 71.60%. Total shares owned by institutions decreased in the last three months by 2.75% to 156,296K shares. SMFR / Sema4 Holdings Corp - Class A Put/Call Ratios The put/call ratio of SMFR is 0.02, indicating a bullish outlook.

What are Other Shareholders Doing?

SMFR / Sema4 Holdings Corp - Class A Shares Held by Institutions

EQ ADVISORS TRUST - 1290 VT Small Cap Value Portfolio Class IB holds 23K shares. No change in the last quarter.

GSATX - Goldman Sachs Small Cap Value Insights Fund holds 139K shares. No change in the last quarter.

BLACKROCK FUNDS - iShares Russell Small holds 17K shares. No change in the last quarter.

Trellus Management Company holds 1,100K shares. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 443K shares, representing an increase of 59.74%. The firm decreased its portfolio allocation in SMFR by 99.92% over the last quarter.

Swiss National Bank holds 268K shares. No change in the last quarter.

Sema4 Holdings Background Information
(This description is provided by the company.)

Sema4 is a patient-centered health intelligence company dedicated to advancing healthcare through data-driven insights. Sema4 is transforming healthcare by applying AI and machine learning to multidimensional, longitudinal clinical and genomic data to build dynamic models of human health and defining optimal, individualized health trajectories. Centrellis™, its innovative health intelligence platform, is enabling us to generate a more complete understanding of disease and wellness and to provide science-driven solutions to the most pressing medical needs. Sema4 believes that patients should be treated as partners, and that data should be shared for the benefit of all.

This story originally appeared on Fintel.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.


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