Diversity & Inclusion

Nasdaq’s Path to Championing Inclusive Prosperity with Angela Burruss

Angela Burruss

At Nasdaq, our priority is to advance inclusive growth and prosperity, and our Purpose Initiative and corporate responsibility are a critical part of making this possible. We spoke with Angela Burruss, project manager specialist in Corporate Responsibility, to explain how Nasdaq is making meaningful efforts to engage, support and empower Nasdaq communities and beyond.

What are your main goals as a project manager specialist in Corporate Responsibility at Nasdaq?

At Nasdaq, our purpose is to champion inclusive growth and prosperity. My main goal is to bring Nasdaq’s purpose to life by nurturing programs, partnerships and initiatives that align with our purpose and make an impact within our targeted communities. I also try to identify collaborative opportunities that can help the Nasdaq Foundation. We want to build a deeper, data-led understanding of where the challenges are greatest, how existing efforts could be amplified, and how we can address inequities in new and distinctive ways.

The Purpose Initiative helps us in this; it leverages Nasdaq’s unique place at the center of capital creation, markets, and technology to support women and underrepresented minority communities. As a woman of color that identifies with this targeted demographic, I am passionate about the Foundation’s focus and efforts to help them find the resources needed to grow and sustain their businesses.

What are Nasdaq’s biggest corporate responsibility goals for 2021?

As a purpose-driven organization, Nasdaq wants to level the playing field for both entrepreneurs and investors by making capital markets work for the benefit of more people across society.

In order to champion inclusive growth and prosperity, our philanthropic, corporate sustainability and employee volunteerism goals must be aligned. By helping diverse entrepreneurs strengthen and scale their businesses and providing under-represented communities with the financial knowledge, confidence and market access they need to participate in long-term wealth creation, we are fundamentally contributing to the prosperity of society

In 2021, we rolled out the Foundation’s quarterly grant-giving program and launched a collaborative research project that creates a new understanding of the challenge. 

We have also created a signature volunteerism campaign in celebration of Nasdaq’s 50th anniversary: Nasdaq & Mentor Makers. This program, a partnership between the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center and MentorCloud, leverages all of our collective skills and abilities to support entrepreneurs and small businesses, especially those in diverse communities. 

Our goal for 2021 is to continue this momentum.

Why is corporate responsibility more crucial than ever?

The last year has highlighted societal issues that have become even more pressing in the face of rising inequality. The social and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, global protests against racial inequality and social injustices, as well as a widening wealth and income gap have made conversations on the corporate role in society that much more urgent. We must respond and use our role in the markets to help address these issues and bring our point of view to these pertinent conversations the world is having.

What is a project you’re working on right now that excites you?

The Nasdaq Foundation recently announced the launch of its quarterly grant program. Preparing for the launch and developing the program criteria was a rewarding project in itself, but I am most excited about the partnerships and initiatives that will thrive as a result of this grant program. The quarterly grant program will directly help women and minorities by demystifying investment and improving access to much-needed tools and support. 

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.

Lyanne Alfaro


Lyanne is a producer, host and social media strategist at Nasdaq. Her team helps reimage the way Nasdaq tells stories about Nasdaq’s role in the future of technology via video, podcasting and social content. You can find her on social media @LyanneAlfaro

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