Michele Carlsson_Women in Tech
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Nasdaq Women in Technology: Michèle Carlsson, Managing Director of the Middle East and Africa

Since starting at @Nasdaq over 20 years ago, Michèle Carlsson gained experience in a wide variety of disciplines ranging from management of development teams to project management, software development, account and relationship management and quality assurance for Nasdaq clients.

Michele Carlsson_Women in Tech

Since starting at Nasdaq over two decades ago, Michèle Carlsson gained experience in a wide variety of disciplines, ranging from management of development teams to project management, software development, account and relationship management and quality assurance for Nasdaq clients. We sat down with Michèle to learn more about her career, and her vast experience in capital markets and technology.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your role at Nasdaq?

As the Managing Director for our Market Infrastructure Technology business in the Middle East and Africa, my focus is bringing Nasdaq’s capital markets expertise to markets in the region. I am focused on building relationships and being an ambassador for Nasdaq, making sure that our clients receive the attention and care that they deserve. Nasdaq has always had a client-centric approach, ensuring our customers receive the support they need to thrive, just as we have done with our own business.

I was an enthusiastic questioner from birth. I can’t let things go if I do not understand something; it’s a curse and a blessing. I see and I sense with an analytical mindset. I empty all possibilities before I maneuver to a different line. My life continues to be very rich, experiencing different cultures and visiting many countries. I love it all.

I have a strong supporting family, a loving husband, two sons and a big extended family. I was born in Syria and belong to the minority that still speaks the ancient language, Aramaic, today. I have lived most of my life in Stockholm and spiced it up with a few years living in Cairo. For the last 13 years, I have been living in Dubai. My role within Nasdaq opens many opportunities to engage, build relationships and create long lasting friendships.  

How did you become involved in capital markets, and how has technology influenced your role?

I was working in the banking sector in Stockholm when I was recruited by Nasdaq as a system developer in 1998. I started working with a fantastic and visionary development team, building the next generation matching engine. That was an eye-opening experience for me as I was not only a part of an amazing creative team, but also working for an organization that promoted disruptive thinking. Working at Nasdaq has given me the opportunity to embark on many new fields within our industry, which has kept me within the same organization for 23 years.  Is it fate? I don’t know but I do like it!

Throughout your career, what challenges have you been presented with that you’ve had to overcome?

I just want to make it clear that work challenges are not to be compared to what innocent people are facing in the current horrific situation in Europe or any other warzone. The last two years of the pandemic cannot be compared to regular day-to-day work or personal challenges. When the primary focus is safeguarding the safety and well-being of humans, many challenges become not so challenging anymore.

In work situations, I believe there are challenging situations that one willingly enters, and others that are totally out of our control. Independently, the interesting lesson is how to transform a challenge into an opportunity.

I love running complex negotiations and I love to ride out storms. I don’t believe in “the first impression lasts.” I believe there is always a chance to make things right. I stand by my principles and values, and I always lean on my beliefs to make sure the fight is fair. I think that putting yourself in your counterpart’s situation is a good rule to follow. Ask yourself, "What would they like to achieve?" Can you offer them that? Or can you at least leave them with a feeling that some of that is achieved? Then you have managed to keep the door open for your next visit.

What advice would you give to people who aspire to work in capital markets and have a role in the technology industry?

Technology is a vital component in everything we do. A business analyst, a system developer or a trader, each individual works within the technology field. My personal journey has been exceptional and very rich, therefore, I encourage people interested in technology to explore new horizons and to start drawing the map of their own journey.

I cannot say that our industry is for everyone, but I can assure you that it is so very interesting, and it offers an opportunity to widen visions and open doors to amazing meetings. We can all contribute to a better world and make a difference by excelling in what we do by doing it with great appetite.

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