Fintel reports that Mudrick Capital Management has filed a 13D/A form with the SEC disclosing ownership of 15.46MM shares of Hycroft Mining Holding Corporation (HYMC). This represents 7.5% of the company.
In their previous filing dated February 23, 2023 they reported 17.83MM shares and 8.60% of the company, a decrease in shares of 13.28% and a decrease in total ownership of 1.10% (calculated as current - previous percent ownership).
Analyst Price Forecast Suggests 3,617.41% Upside
As of March 7, 2023, the average one-year price target for Hycroft Mining Holding is $13.26. The forecasts range from a low of $13.13 to a high of $13.65. The average price target represents an increase of 3,617.41% from its latest reported closing price of $0.36.
See our leaderboard of companies with the largest price target upside.
The projected annual revenue for Hycroft Mining Holding is $0MM, a decrease of 100.00%. The projected annual non-GAAP EPS is -$0.04.
What is the Fund Sentiment?
There are 174 funds or institutions reporting positions in Hycroft Mining Holding. This is an increase of 5 owner(s) or 2.96% in the last quarter. Average portfolio weight of all funds dedicated to HYMC is 0.01%, an increase of 17.36%. Total shares owned by institutions decreased in the last three months by 6.50% to 43,555K shares. The put/call ratio of HYMC is 0.04, indicating a bullish outlook.
What are Large Shareholders Doing?
IWM - iShares Russell 2000 ETF holds 3,257K shares representing 1.63% ownership of the company. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 3,118K shares, representing an increase of 4.25%. The firm decreased its portfolio allocation in HYMC by 16.74% over the last quarter.
Geode Capital Management holds 2,738K shares representing 1.37% ownership of the company. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 2,627K shares, representing an increase of 4.07%. The firm decreased its portfolio allocation in HYMC by 15.06% over the last quarter.
VEXMX - Vanguard Extended Market Index Fund Investor Shares holds 1,905K shares representing 0.95% ownership of the company. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 1,842K shares, representing an increase of 3.29%. The firm decreased its portfolio allocation in HYMC by 12.29% over the last quarter.
Renaissance Technologies holds 1,461K shares representing 0.73% ownership of the company. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 2,236K shares, representing a decrease of 53.04%. The firm decreased its portfolio allocation in HYMC by 44.42% over the last quarter.
Northern Trust holds 1,174K shares representing 0.59% ownership of the company. In it's prior filing, the firm reported owning 1,246K shares, representing a decrease of 6.13%. The firm decreased its portfolio allocation in HYMC by 23.91% over the last quarter.
Hycroft Mining Holding Background Information
(This description is provided by the company.)
Hycroft Mining is a US-based, gold and silver producer operating the Hycroft mine located in the world- class mining region of Northern Nevada. The Hycroft mine features one of the largest gold/silver deposits in the world with a low-capital,low-cost process and a 34-year mine life.
This story originally appeared on Fintel.
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