Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Bank Did the Deal.

Financials AMTD ETFC GS IBKR JPM MS TD Ameritrade Barron's Bank of America Merrill Lynch JPMorgan Chase Morgan Stanley E*Trade Financial Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley Investment Management Schwab Interactive Brokers Group Banking Financial Investments Investment Banking Security Brokering/Dealing Online Brokers/After Hours Trading Portfolio/Fund/Asset Management Banking/Credit Financial Services Investing/Securities Thomas Peterffy Christopher Harris David Cohen United States Financial Performance Earnings Ownership Changes Acquisitions/Mergers/Shareholdings Corporate Actions Corporate/Industrial News Financial Advisors Content Types Factiva Filters C&E Industry News Filter AMTD ETFC GS I/AMG I/BNK I/FIS I/IAV I/SCR I/XFFX IBKR JPM M/FCL MS N/CAC N/CNW N/ERN N/PFM N/TNM SCHW Barrons Blogs Fortune 500 CODES_REVIEWED Companies Financials News US author Daren Fonda author|Daren Fonda author Daren Fonda id Daren Fonda name Daren Fonda topicid 8567 rank 1 topicid barrons_display_subject BARFINANCIALS barrons_display_subject|BARFINANCIALS canbedisplaysubject true codetype BARRONS_DISPLAY_SUBJECT name Financials source MANUAL code BARFINANCIALS value BARFINANCIALS status modified co Schwab co|Schwab fullextractedtext Schwab displayname Schwab name Schwab extractedtext Schwab source FACTIVA subcat com codetype co code schwab co msim co|msim fullextractedtext Morgan Stanley Investment Management codetype co displayname Morgan Stanley Investment Management confidence 100 why about extractedtext Morgan Stanley Investment Management source FACTIVA occurs true subcat com code msim relevance 81 name Morgan Stanley Investment Management significance prominent confidencerange high relevancerange high fcode msim onlinesignificance prominent co timbh co|timbh country US symbol IBKR codetype co displayname Interactive Brokers Group why occur extractedtext Interactive Brokers Group source FACTIVA seoname interactive_brokers_group name Interactive Brokers Group countrycode US relevancerange low chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNAS/IBKR fcode timbh fullextractedtext Interactive Brokers Group ticker IBKR confidence 100 subcat com code timbh relevance 10 significance passing confidencerange high exchange Nasdaq exchangeisocode XNAS onlinesignificance passing-mention co Barron's co|Barron's fullextractedtext Barron's codetype co displayname Barron's extractedtext Barron's source FACTIVA subcat med code barron_s name Barron's co dwitd co|dwitd country US symbol MS codetype co displayname Morgan Stanley why about extractedtext Morgan Stanley source FACTIVA occurs true seoname morgan_stanley name Morgan Stanley orgtype public relevancerange high chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/MS fcode dwitd fullextractedtext Morgan Stanley confidence 100 subcat com code dwitd relevance 75 significance prominent confidencerange high exchangeisocode XNYS onlinesignificance prominent co etrade co|etrade country US symbol ETFC codetype co displayname E*Trade Financial why about extractedtext E*Trade Financial source FACTIVA occurs true seoname e_trade_financial name E*Trade Financial orgtype public relevancerange medium chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNAS/ETFC fcode etrade fullextractedtext E*Trade Financial ticker ETFC confidence 100 subcat com code etrade relevance 59 significance prominent confidencerange high exchangeisocode XNAS onlinesignificance prominent co amtrde co|amtrde country US symbol AMTD codetype co displayname TD Ameritrade Holding why occur extractedtext TD Ameritrade source FACTIVA seoname td_ameritrade_holding name TD Ameritrade relevancerange low chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNAS/AMTD fcode amtrde fullextractedtext TD Ameritrade confidence 100 subcat com code amtrde relevance 36 significance passing confidencerange high exchangeisocode XNAS status modified onlinesignificance passing-mention co boasl co|boasl fullextractedtext Bank of America Merrill Lynch codetype co displayname Bank of America Merrill Lynch confidence 100 why occur extractedtext Bank of America Merrill Lynch source FACTIVA subcat com code boasl relevance 27 name Bank of America Merrill Lynch significance prominent confidencerange high relevancerange low fcode boasl status modified onlinesignificance prominent co cnyc co|cnyc country US symbol JPM codetype co displayname JPMorgan Chase why occur extractedtext JPMorgan Chase source FACTIVA seoname jpmorgan_chase name JPMorgan Chase relevancerange low chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/JPM fcode cnyc fullextractedtext JPMorgan Chase confidence 100 subcat com code cnyc relevance 27 significance prominent confidencerange high exchangeisocode XNYS status modified onlinesignificance prominent co gldmns co|gldmns country US symbol GS codetype co displayname Goldman Sachs Group why occur extractedtext Goldman Sachs source FACTIVA seoname goldman_sachs_group name Goldman Sachs relevancerange low chartingsymbol STOCK/US/XNYS/GS fcode gldmns fullextractedtext Goldman Sachs confidence 100 subcat com code gldmns relevance 26 significance passing confidencerange high exchangeisocode XNYS onlinesignificance passing-mention company MS company|MS name Morgan Stanley significance PROMINENT company ETFC company|ETFC name E*Trade Financial significance PROMINENT company AMTD company|AMTD name TD Ameritrade significance PASSING-MENTION company GS company|GS name Goldman Sachs significance PASSING-MENTION company JPM company|JPM name JPMorgan Chase significance PROMINENT company IBKR company|IBKR name Interactive Brokers Group significance PASSING-MENTION djn IBKR djn|IBKR codetype djn why occur source FACTIVA code ibkr name IBKR significance passing fcode IBKR onlinesignificance passing-mention djn I/AMG djn|I/AMG codetype djn name I/AMG why association source FACTIVA code i_amg fcode I/AMG djn ETFC djn|ETFC codetype djn why about source FACTIVA occurs true code etfc name ETFC significance prominent fcode ETFC onlinesignificance prominent djn AMTD djn|AMTD codetype djn why occur source FACTIVA code amtd name AMTD significance passing fcode AMTD onlinesignificance passing-mention djn JPM djn|JPM codetype djn why occur source FACTIVA code jpm name JPM significance passing fcode JPM onlinesignificance passing-mention djn GS djn|GS codetype djn why occur source FACTIVA code gs name GS significance passing fcode GS onlinesignificance passing-mention djn SCHW djn|SCHW codetype djn why occur source FACTIVA code schw name SCHW significance passing fcode SCHW onlinesignificance passing-mention djn MS djn|MS codetype djn why about source FACTIVA occurs true code ms name MS significance prominent fcode MS onlinesignificance prominent djn I/BNK djn|I/BNK codetype djn why about source FACTIVA code i_bnk name I/BNK significance prominent fcode I/BNK onlinesignificance prominent djn I/FIS djn|I/FIS codetype djn name I/FIS why lineage source FACTIVA code i_fis fcode I/FIS djn M/FCL djn|M/FCL codetype djn name M/FCL why lineage source FACTIVA code m_fcl fcode M/FCL djn I/IAV djn|I/IAV codetype djn name I/IAV why lineage source FACTIVA code i_iav fcode I/IAV djn I/SCR djn|I/SCR codetype djn name I/SCR why association source FACTIVA code i_scr fcode I/SCR djn N/ERN djn|N/ERN codetype djn why about source FACTIVA code n_ern name N/ERN significance prominent fcode N/ERN onlinesignificance prominent djn N/TNM djn|N/TNM codetype djn why about source FACTIVA code n_tnm name N/TNM significance prominent fcode N/TNM status modified onlinesignificance prominent djn N/CNW djn|N/CNW codetype djn why about source FACTIVA code n_cnw name N/CNW significance prominent fcode N/CNW onlinesignificance prominent djn N/PFM djn|N/PFM codetype djn name N/PFM why lineage source FACTIVA code n_pfm fcode N/PFM djn N/CAC djn|N/CAC codetype djn name N/CAC why lineage source FACTIVA code n_cac fcode N/CAC djn I/XFFX djn|I/XFFX codetype djn why about source FACTIVA code i_xffx name I/XFFX significance prominent fcode I/XFFX onlinesignificance prominent first_publish_headline Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Bank Did the Deal. first_publish_headline|Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Bank Did the Deal. flow flow| codetype FLOW name source MANUAL value code online status modified name Online title Product code flow Barrons Blogs flow|Barrons Blogs codetype FLOW source MANUAL title Product code Barrons_Blogs name Barrons Blogs value Barrons Blogs status modified headline Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Deal Makes Sense. headline|Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Deal Makes Sense. id facebook id|facebook news_tab_url idx xf500 idx|xf500 codetype idx why about source FACTIVA code xf500 name Fortune 500 significance prominent fcode xf500 onlinesignificance prominent in i83101 in|i83101 significance prominent name Investment Banking why about source FACTIVA fcode i83101 codetype in code i83101 onlinesignificance prominent in i83107 in|i83107 codetype in name Portfolio/Fund/Asset Management why association source FACTIVA code i83107 fcode i83107 in ibnk in|ibnk codetype in why about source FACTIVA code ibnk name Banking/Credit significance prominent fcode ibnk onlinesignificance prominent in i814 in|i814 codetype in why about source FACTIVA code i814 name Banking significance prominent fcode i814 onlinesignificance prominent in i831 in|i831 codetype in name Financial Investments why lineage source FACTIVA code i831 fcode i831 in ifinal in|ifinal codetype in name Financial Services why lineage source FACTIVA code ifinal fcode ifinal in iinv in|iinv codetype in name Investing/Securities why lineage source FACTIVA code iinv fcode iinv in i83102 in|i83102 codetype in name Security Brokering/Dealing why association source FACTIVA code i83102 fcode i83102 in i83105 in|i83105 codetype in name Online Brokers/After Hours Trading why association source FACTIVA code i83105 fcode i83105 media media-2 media|media-2 responsive layout inline scope scope web scope mobileapps promotype None softcrop Horizontal imphotoid im-156203 location media media-1 media|media-1 softcrop Horizontal imphotoid im-156203 location ns c151 ns|c151 codetype ns why about source FACTIVA code c151 name Earnings significance prominent fcode c151 onlinesignificance prominent ns c181 ns|c181 codetype ns why about source FACTIVA code c181 name Acquisitions/Mergers/Shareholdings significance prominent fcode c181 onlinesignificance prominent ns ccat ns|ccat codetype ns why about source FACTIVA code ccat name Corporate/Industrial News significance prominent fcode ccat onlinesignificance prominent ns c15 ns|c15 codetype ns name Financial Performance why lineage source FACTIVA code c15 fcode c15 ns c18 ns|c18 codetype ns name Ownership Changes why lineage source FACTIVA code c18 fcode c18 ns cactio ns|cactio codetype ns name Corporate Actions why lineage source FACTIVA code cactio fcode cactio ns ncat ns|ncat codetype ns why lineage source FACTIVA code ncat name Content Types internalsymbol true fcode ncat ns nfact ns|nfact codetype ns why lineage source FACTIVA code nfact name Factiva Filters internalsymbol true fcode nfact ns nfcpin ns|nfcpin codetype ns why lineage source FACTIVA code nfcpin name C&E Industry News Filter internalsymbol true fcode nfcpin ns GFNPL ns|GFNPL codetype ns name Financial Advisors source MANUAL code gfnpl fcode GFNPL status modified nwchain SB507239867453961034928045862149838673921021 nwchain|SB507239867453961034928045862149838673921021 pe 16598218 pe|16598218 lastname Peterffy codetype pe displayname Peterffy, Thomas confidence 100 why occur extractedtext Thomas Peterffy source FACTIVA code 16598218 relevance 37 name Thomas Peterffy significance passing firstname Thomas nameformat surname_first confidencerange high relevancerange low fcode 16598218 onlinesignificance passing-mention pe Christopher Harris pe|Christopher Harris lastname Harris codetype pe displayname Harris, Christopher extractedtext Christopher Harris source FACTIVA code christopher_harris name Christopher Harris firstname Christopher nameformat surname_first pe David Cohen pe|David Cohen lastname Cohen visible 1 codetype pe displayname Cohen, David extractedtext David Cohen source FACTIVA title Executive Vice President code david_cohen seoname david-cohen name David Cohen firstname David topicid 1198 nameformat surname_first topicname David Cohen re USA re|USA codetype re name United States source MANUAL code usa fcode USA status modified relay SYND relay|SYND codetype RELAY name Syndication source EXPANDER value SYND code synd status modified statistic CODES_REVIEWED statistic|CODES_REVIEWED name CODES_REVIEWED value CODES_REVIEWED codetype STATISTIC code CODES_REVIEWED subject BARCOMP subject|BARCOMP codetype SUBJECT title Companies code BARCOMP name Companies canbedisplaysubject true ruleid BARCOMP value BARCOMP status modified subject BARFINANCIALS subject|BARFINANCIALS codetype SUBJECT title Financials code BARFINANCIALS name Financials canbedisplaysubject true ruleid BARFINANCIALS value BARFINANCIALS status modified subject BARUS subject|BARUS codetype SUBJECT title US code BARUS name US canbedisplaysubject true ruleid BARUS value BARUS status modified subject BARNEWS subject|BARNEWS codetype SUBJECT selectable true title News code BARNEWS name News canbedisplaysubject true ruleid BARNEWS value BARNEWS status modified wordcount 862 wordcount|862 Photograph by Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Deal Makes Sense. Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Deal Makes Sense. Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Deal Makes Sense.

Morgan Stanley’s deal for E*Trade sends more shock waves through the brokerage industry. It is also a sign that Wall Street wants to transform itself.

Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Bank Did the Deal.

The acquisition is a sign that Wall Street wants to transform itself into more of a retail investing powerhouse. Morgan Stanley and E*Trade Are an Odd Couple. Why the Deal Makes Sense. By Daren Fonda Photograph by Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg

Morgan Stanley’s deal to buy E*Trade Financial for $13 billion is sending more shock waves through the brokerage industry. It is also a sign that Wall Street wants to transform itself into more of a retail investing powerhouse.

Morgan Stanley (ticker: MS) is a classic Wall Street wirehouse. It makes money off investment banking, trading, equity research, and advisory services for wealthy clients, including $507 billion in assets under management for Morgan Stanley Investment Management.

E*Trade (ETFC) is the opposite: The firm is mainly a discount broker and online bank, known for its cheeky advertising and efforts to get individual investors to trade stocks—hey, because it’s fun!

They would seem like an odd couple. But their marriage makes sense in the current landscape. Equity trading commissions have vanished as a revenue source for discount brokers. Charles Schwab’s deal to buy TD Ameritrade (AMTD) last year signaled that discount brokers view the future as one where they generate revenue from multiple other channels, including custodial and advisory services, asset management, online banking, and interest income from cash balances in brokerage “sweep” accounts.

Morgan Stanley and other wirehouses are feeling the pricing pressure. They are looking to diversify beyond investment banking, trading and other traditional Wall Street revenue streams. And they see a huge addressable market in retail financial services, which can be quite high margin and profitable.

The trends prompted Goldman Sachs (GS) to start a retail banking business, Marcus. And they have led JPMorgan Chase (JPM) and Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAC) to launch their own discount brokerage platforms.

As part of the rationale for the deal, Morgan Stanley is telling investors that its profit center will be shifting from institutional trading and securities to wealth and investment management. The company says that 57% of its pretax profits will come from wealth management with E*Trade in the mix, up from 51% in 2019 (and 26% in 2010).

E*Trade may not offer much trading revenue, but it has some crown jewels that fit nicely with Morgan Stanley’s business. It has $39 billion in banking deposits and $18 billion in off-balance sheet deposits that Morgan Stanley can monetize as a cheap source of funding for loans and net interest income. E*Trade Bank includes digital checking and savings accounts, giving Morgan Stanley a foothold in the thriving online banking space.

E*Trade is a major player in corporate stock-plan servicing, overseeing $300 billion in assets across 1.9 million accounts. Morgan Stanley is also a major player in stock-plan servicing with 2.7 million participants, mainly through its acquisition last year of Solium Capital. Combined, Morgan Stanley and E*Trade will have $580 billion in stock-plan assets under their roof.

Stock-plan customers aren’t necessarily brokerage or advisory customers, but they are terrific prospects. As their wealth grows, they become more valuable to financial services firms.

“Morgan Stanley is the pre-eminent money manager for today’s affluent individuals, but they’re facing competition from the discount brokers and robo-advisors for tomorrow’s affluent individuals,” says David Cohen, a financial services entrepreneur and co-founder of HANDLS Indexes. “Buying E*Trade gives Morgan Stanley a stronger platform to reach these people.”

E*Trade was essentially on the auction block after Schwab cut a deal for Ameritrade last fall. Schwab’s elimination of trading commissions drove a dagger into the heart of discount brokers, making them far more vulnerable and open to acquisitions. It was only a matter of time before E*Trade found a home in a larger financial services company.

Nonetheless, it came as a surprise to some that Morgan Stanley was the buyer.

“It is not necessarily surprising that ETFC is selling itself given industry consolidation and pricing pressures on its business,” wrote Wells Fargo analyst Christopher Harris in a note Thursday morning. “However, MS being the acquiring company does surprise us.”

Wall Street initially appears cool to the deal. Shares of Morgan Stanley fell about 4% on the news. The stocks of Charles Schwab (SCHW) and Interactive Brokers Group (IBKR), however, both got a pop.

Investors appear to view the deal as a win for the remaining discount brokers: Less competition could ease some of the pricing pressure they have been feeling, and they may have opportunities to poach more clients and advisors as Morgan Stanley and E*Trade integrate.

“I think it’s very good news,” Thomas Peterffy, chairman of Interactive Brokers, told Barron’s. “It’s going to be easier to draw a distinction among fewer firms. We’ll get more of independent advisors, because we don’t have internal advisors to compete with them.”

Write to Daren Fonda at

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.


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