Lobbying Update: $230,000 of MAPLEBEAR INC. D/B/A INSTACART lobbying was just disclosed

$230,000 of MAPLEBEAR INC. D/B/A INSTACART lobbying was just disclosed, from Q4 of 2024, in a new Lobbying Disclosure Act filing.

This included lobbying on issues like:

"H.R.10545 - American Relief Act, 2025; all provisions H.R.6363 (Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024); provisions related to SNAP"

You can find more data on corporate lobbying on Quiver Quantitative.

CART Insider Trading Activity

CART insiders have traded $CART stock on the open market 19 times in the past 6 months. Of those trades, 0 have been purchases and 19 have been sales.

Here’s a breakdown of recent trading of $CART stock by insiders over the last 6 months:

  • MORGAN FONG (GENERAL COUNSEL & SECRETARY) has made 0 purchases and 7 sales selling 101,323 shares for an estimated $4,214,599.
  • FIDJI SIMO (PRESIDENT AND CEO) has made 0 purchases and 5 sales selling 103,750 shares for an estimated $4,156,927.
  • ALAN RAMSAY (CHIEF ACCOUNTING OFFICER) has made 0 purchases and 7 sales selling 14,651 shares for an estimated $574,263.

To track insider transactions, check out Quiver Quantitative's insider trading dashboard.

CART Hedge Fund Activity

We have seen 183 institutional investors add shares of CART stock to their portfolio, and 137 decrease their positions in their most recent quarter.

Here are some of the largest recent moves:

To track hedge funds' stock portfolios, check out Quiver Quantitative's institutional holdings dashboard.

This article is not financial advice. See Quiver Quantitative's disclaimers for more information.

This article was originally published on Quiver News, read the full story.

The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.


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