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Investing in a new world order: How to read the right market signals

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Nasdaq for Asset Owners Delivering insights and intelligence for institutional investors

Widespread market uncertainty globally is spurring family offices to seek as much clarity as possible to steer investment decisions, strategic and tactical allocations, and manager selection across multi-asset class portfolios.

Lingering volatility has also made it more important than ever for investors to have access to the right information. It’s now essential to be able to accurately analyze entire portfolios, understand performance drivers, and inform allocations to enhance return outcomes and manage risk, especially for private market assets.

The looming prospect of interest rate cuts at some point in the coming months is further heightening concerns and sharpening the focus on cash management.

Put simply, greater transparency is a key objective for family offices in Hong Kong, for investments of all types.

This reflects some of the common fears among Hong Kong-based family offices for 2024: 

  • How and where to deploy pent-up cash as rate cuts materialize
  • Preparing for shocks in terms of US equity valuations or prolonged macro uncertainty
  • Identifying portfolio pain points to pre-empt a potential market meltdown, exacerbated by the problems in China’s economy
  • A lack of tools or systems to manage private market assets, given their popularity and the continued investor comfort with the asset class
  • Being able to identify where risks lay in different assets while only using basic tools such as excel – for example, the level of debt embedded in real estate and private equity, and whether valuations are accurate 
  • Where to find technologies and tools to implement that can help improve portfolio aggregation, reporting and risk analysis

There is consensus among family offices in Hong Kong about the value of more accurate, timely and comprehensive data in enhancing internal portfolio management decisions. 

The wish-list of these investors includes the capability and resources to identify and understand areas where allocations are potentially too heavy, and therefore exposure risk is too high.

Desire for more transparency is also to drive better-informed discussions externally with third-party asset managers. This leads to more targeted questions and insights to assess decisions made over time.  Ultimately, investors can improve selection decisions by decomposing an external manager’s skillset.
Yet in isolation, an investment in technologies to solve problems with individual asset classes doesn’t address the logistical challenges in tying together separate datasets to analyze effectively.

The key is not to simply access the data, but also be able to interpret it regardless of the overall level of transparency, and ensure data security and privacy is upheld across the portfolio.


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