Insiders Buy the Holdings of VOE ETF

A look at the weighted underlying holdings of the Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETF (VOE) shows an impressive 10.1% of holdings on a weighted basis have experienced insider buying within the past six months.

American Airlines Group Inc (Symbol: AAL), which makes up 0.50% of the Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETF (VOE), has seen 8 directors and officers purchase shares in the past six months, according to the recent Form 4 data. The ETF holds a total of $91,821,049 worth of AAL, making it the #87 largest holding. The table below details the recent insider buying activity observed at AAL:

AAL — last trade: $24.45 — Recent Insider Buys:

And Dish Network Corporation - Class A (Symbol: DISH), the #132 largest holding among components of the Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETF (VOE), shows 2 directors and officers as recently filing Form 4's indicating purchases. The ETF holds $65,256,652 worth of DISH, which represents approximately 0.35% of the ETF's total assets at last check. The recent insider buying activity observed at DISH is detailed in the table below:

DISH — last trade: $32.37 — Recent Insider Buys:

10 ETFs With Stocks That Insiders Are Buying »

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