(RTTNews) - A Georgia jury has hit Ford Motor Co. (F) with $1.7 billion verdict for a 2014 rollover accident that killed a couple, according to several reports. But Ford reportedly said it doesn't believe the verdict is supported by the evidence, and it plans to appeal.
A Gwinnett County jury ruled in a favor of a lawsuit brought by the family of Georgia couple, Melvin Hill and Voncile Hill, who were killed after a tire blew out on a local highway in 2014 and their 2002 Ford Super Duty F-250 pickup rolled over.
The couple was driving a 2002 Ford F-250 Super Duty truck from their farm when the right front tire blew out and the truck rolled over.
Ford sold 5.2 million "Super Duty" trucks with weak roofs that would crush people inside during rollovers, the jury reportedly determined.
The jury reportedly awarded more than $24 million to Kim and Adam Hill for their parents' wrongful deaths and pain and suffering.
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