At Ardelyx, a filing with the SEC revealed that on Wednesday, Director David M. Mott purchased 215,868 shares of ARDX, for a cost of $4.62 each, for a total investment of $996,598. So far Mott is in the green, up about 9.2% on their buy based on today's trading high of $5.04. Ardelyx is trading up about 4.3% on the day Friday.
And on Thursday, Chief Executive Officer Richard D. Odell purchased $496,800 worth of Proficient Auto Logistics, purchasing 54,000 shares at a cost of $9.20 each. This buy marks the first one filed by Odell in the past year. Proficient Auto Logistics Inc is trading up about 0.3% on the day Friday.
VIDEO: Friday 11/15 Insider Buying Report: ARDX, PAL
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