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Explore Retirement Planning with Nassau

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Insight Blog Nasdaq Index Insights Provider

Sailors put in place a plan to ensure smooth sailing on the seas. As it happens, planning for retirement is similar. By taking steps to help accumulate savings in their golden years, retirees can be more prepared for their retirement voyage. 

Planning for a Successful Retirement

A successful retirement requires planning for a variety of retirement risks, and retirees can generally be more prepared by identifying solutions in four key pillars: growth, income, care, and family. Nassau’s comprehensive and customizable annuity portfolio can help retirees plan for these risks with products designed to address all four of these important areas: 

Growth: To accumulate assets, you should consider a strategy that allows you to take advantage of market upside while aiming to minimize exposure to corrections. A fixed indexed annuity can help with both objectives. It does not directly participate in the stock market but instead credits interest based in part on the performance of a market index. When markets are rising, an annuity may contribute to the growth of retirement savings. However, in falling markets, your account value is protected by a floor (typically 0%), offering stability to the account and protection to the retiree.

Solution: Nassau’s newest fixed indexed annuity, Nassau Bonus Annuity PlusSM, may potentially enhance retirement savings immediately by 15-18% with a guaranteed, up-front premium bonus.i To potentially grow your nest egg, the initial premium plus premium bonus may be linked to well-known indices—including the Nasdaq-100®—which can help mitigate losses.

Income: Retirees may require additional sources of income to supplement their savings and create a confident financial future—and they may need this income to last a lifetime. 

Solution: Income-oriented fixed indexed annuities like the Nassau Income Accelerator may offer a guaranteed lifetime income benefit rider (“income rider”) that might provide income for life to retirees. Nassau Income Accelerator also offers retirees the option to choose an income rider that can deliver higher income payments early in exchange for lower payments later, helping them fuel the go-go years of their early retirement.ii

Care: Whether it’s at-home care, assisted living, or a nursing home, the cost of care in later years may be considerable. Depending on the specific situation, it could cost anywhere from $64,200 to $116,800 per year. To help fund these costs, retirees may be able to add a rider to their fixed indexed annuity that allows enhanced withdrawals.

Solution: Fixed indexed annuities like Nassau Personal Protection Choice® include the option to select an income rider that can help retirees receive more money in the event of unexpected care needs—like if they’re confined to a nursing home or unable to perform two or more activities of daily living.iii This can help put more money into their pocket when they may need it most.

Family: Planning now can help set aside funds for your loved ones. To assist with this, an optional rider on an annuity can pay a death benefit to family members, helping retirees leave a lasting legacy to those they care for most.

Solution: Nassau Personal Protection Choice® offers an option for retirees to potentially protect their legacy with an optional rider. It offers an enhanced lump-sum death benefit in the event of an unexpected passing to help ensure loved ones are financially protected for years to come.iv

Help Address Retirement Risks with Nassau

A good retirement strategy should address key risks. Today, retirees face numerous common factors that, left unaddressed, could easily derail one’s golden years. Outliving savings, for instance, is a concern for many Americans. So, too, can dealing with market volatility, paying for health care costs, and protecting loved ones.

While these risks aren’t expected to disappear, a fixed indexed annuity such as one from Nassau can help manage them, allowing retirees to focus on what’s truly important in life.


Annuities issued by Nassau Life and Annuity Company

Not intended for residents of Idaho.

Nasdaq® and Nasdaq-100® are registered trademarks of Nasdaq, Inc. (which with its affiliates is referred to as the “Corporations”) and are licensed for use by Nassau. The Product(s) have not been passed on by the Corporations as to their legality or suitability. The Product(s) are not issued, endorsed, sold, or promoted by the Corporations. THE CORPORATIONS MAKE NO WARRANTIES AND BEAR NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT(S).

Tax references in this material are for informational purposes only and based upon current laws. This material is intended for general use with the public and is not meant to provide investment, tax or financial planning advice. Nassau does not provide individual tax, financial or investment advice or act as a fiduciary in the sale or service of insurance contracts. Please consult your personal tax or financial advisor for assistance. Nassau has a financial interest in the sale of its products. Please consult the applicable annuity product and rider disclosures for a full description of features, benefits, and restrictions.

Product features, riders and availability may vary by state. Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit riders (if available) must be elected at issue and involve an additional fee that is deducted annually from your contract value. 

Annuities are long-term insurance products particularly suitable for retirement assets. Annuities are not meant to be used to meet short-term financial goals. Annuities held within qualified plans do not provide any additional tax benefit. Withdrawals may be subject to surrender charges, recovery of non-vested premium bonus, market value adjustment and applicable pro-rated fees. Withdrawals are subject to ordinary income tax, and if taken prior to age 59½, a 10% IRS penalty may also apply.

These annuities offer a Fixed Account and a variety of Indexed Accounts. The Fixed Account may earn a specified rate of interest of 0% or greater. The Indexed Accounts may or may not earn Index Credits. Index Credits are credited if the type of Index that the Indexed Account tracks performs in a manner described in the Indexed Account riders attached to your contract. Although Index Credits are awarded based on index performance, these annuities are not securities. You are not buying shares of any stock or investing in an index. You are purchasing an annuity, which is a type of insurance contract issued by an insurance company. You can use an annuity to save money for retirement and to receive retirement income for life. It is not meant to be used to meet short-term financial goals.

Non-Security Status Disclosure - These contracts have not been approved or disapproved by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The contracts are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933 and are offered and sold in reliance on an exemption therein.

Nassau Bonus Annuity Plus (23FIA4, ICC23FIA4), Nassau Income Accelerator (19FIA, ICC19EIAN, 19ISN, 19GLWB2, 22GLWB, 22GLWB1.1, 23GLWB2.1, ICC22GLWB1.1, ICC23GLWB2.1, et al.), Nassau Bonus Annuity (19FIA3, ICC19FIA3, 19GLWB3, ICC19GLWB3.1), and Nassau Personal Protection Choice (19FIA, ICC19EIAN, 19RN, 19GLWB2, 19GMDB-S.1, 19EWB, ICC19GLWB2.1, ICC20EWB.1, et al.) single premium deferred fixed indexed annuities are issued by Nassau Life and Annuity Company (Hartford, CT), a subsidiary of Nassau Financial Group. In California, Nassau Life and Annuity Company does business as "Nassau Life and Annuity Insurance Company." Nassau Life and Annuity Company is not authorized to do business in ME and NY, but that is subject to change. 

External source tag: BPD41933_WEB

Insurance Products: Not FDIC or NCUAA Insured, No Bank or Credit Union Guarantee.

i Although the bonus is added to the accumulation value when the contract is issued and can earn interest, the bonus is not available for immediate withdrawal, and the bonus amount and associated earnings are subject to a vesting schedule. The bonus amount and vesting rate may vary by age and state. The product is not intended to meet short-term financial goals. Products offering a bonus may offer less favorable credited interest rates, participation, and cap rates than those not. An enhanced benefit fee is deducted annually from the contract value for the first 10 contract years.

ii Requires the election of a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit rider at the time of application which involves an annual fee that is deducted from the contract value. Certain age and other restrictions apply. Income payments are considered withdrawals from the annuity and will reduce the contract value. Any withdrawal (including but not limited to Early Income Amount payments) may be subject to taxation as ordinary income and, if taken before age 59 1/2, may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty. 

iii Requires the election of guaranteed lifetime withdrawal and enhanced withdrawal benefit riders at the time of application, which involves an annual fee deducted from the contract value. Certain criteria must be met, and proof of qualification must be submitted each year. Payments are considered withdrawals from the annuity and will reduce the contract value. Actual withdrawal benefit varies by age and qualification level and is only available after second contract anniversary. The Care Protection Benefit Rider is NOT a qualified Long Term Care benefit under the Internal Revenue Code. It does NOT qualify for preferential tax treatment and does NOT provide health insurance, Long Term Care insurance or Medicaid benefits. Rider conditions and exclusions apply.

iv Requires the election of guaranteed lifetime withdrawal and enhanced death benefit riders at the time of application which involve an annual fee that is deducted from the contract value. The death benefit paid to beneficiaries is based on the Death Benefit Base, which is reduced by any withdrawals (including income payments) and rolls-up annually for 10 years, until age 85 or until exercise of the income rider (whichever happens first). Roll-up varies based on attained age of the oldest living covered person. The death benefit is NOT life insurance and is taxable to beneficiaries.

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