(RTTNews) - easyJet Plc (ESYJY.PK, EZJ.L) and Airbus have finalised the delivery dates for aircraft deferred as a response to COVID-19. The 24 aircraft that were originally deferred beyond December 2022, will now be delivered from fiscal 2025 to fiscal 2027. The Group noted that 8 aircraft were deferred from fiscal 2020 to fiscal 2022. In total, 32 aircraft with original delivery dates between June 2020 and December 2021 were deferred.
easyJet stated that all aircraft purchased under the terms of the original 2013 Airbus agreement are subject to a very substantial discount from the list price which remains unchanged. The Group noted that, by applying inflationary mechanism, the future aggregate cash price of the 32 deferred aircraft, at their future delivery dates, could increase by up to approximately 95 million pounds.
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