Chakita Muttaraju on the Importance of Collaborating for Efficiency
Through the Nasdaq Internship Program, we offer a variety of professional experiences for emerging talent through an immersive 10 to 12-week internship program. From Stockholm to the U.S., in person or remotely, we are getting an inside look at the bright minds and personalities that encompass the next generation of investors, disrupters and leaders.
In honor of the internship season, we spoke with Chakita Muttaraju, Corporate IT System Admin Intern, about the importance of collaborating for efficiency in developing new ideas that incorporate unique experiences.
Please tell us about yourself and your position at Nasdaq.
I am currently a Computer Science Senior at PES University in Bangalore. I love to read (suspense is my favorite genre), write (mostly poetry) and sketch in my free time. I am working with the CIT Development team on the Tech Refresh Project to make the process of requesting new hardware more user-friendly and efficient.
What is your favorite project you’ve worked on thus far, or one that you’re looking forward to?
My favorite project out of the ones I’ve worked on so far is my Poem Generator, DeepFrost, which uses AI to generate a poem based on words that you give to it. It’s not very great, but it manages to make people laugh, so that’s a win, in my opinion!
What about Nasdaq stood out the most, now that you are part of the global team?
The thing that stood out to me the most is how people-oriented Nasdaq is. I immediately felt very comfortable in the work environment and interacting with people. I enjoyed meeting interns from around the world in the zoom sessions we’ve had during onboarding.
What is your goal as a #NasdaqFam intern? How is Nasdaq supporting your long-term goal?
My goal is to work on solutions that help make people get their work done efficiently and in a hassle-free manner. Nasdaq has given me an opportunity to work towards materializing that goal. This is my first internship, so it has a very special place in my heart.
What advice would you give to future interns?
My advice would be don’t shy away from asking questions or asking for help. Everyone here at Nasdaq is super approachable and always willing to help. I think this is important because when you ask more questions, you learn so much more!
How do you bring a fresh perspective to your industry?
We all have unique experiences in life due to our own unique circumstances, so I try to factor in my own experiences when I work on something to try and come up with a fresh perspective. When working in a team, I try to build upon my teammates’ ideas and see if it is possible to combine them to come up with something novel.
Intern budgeting 101: Do you have any tips for budgeting and managing finances out of college?
I think keeping a note of your expenses—even smaller ones like monthly subscriptions—can help you manage finances effectively. It makes it easier to spot what is causing you to overspend and where you can afford to put in more money.
How did you prepare for your internship?
Since my internship was concerned with Python Programming, I brushed up on my Python skills and read up on a few things my team manager asked me to go through.
The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Nasdaq, Inc.
Nasdaq's Internship Program
Real Responsibility from Day One