Here is the stock with buy rank and strong value characteristics for investors to consider today, February 7th:
Allegiant ALGT: This low-cost passenger airline company which focuses on linking leisure travelers in small and medium sized cities to world-class leisure destinations, carries a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy), and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 26.3% over the last 60 days.
Allegiant Travel Company Price and Consensus
Allegiant Travel Company price-consensus-chart | Allegiant Travel Company Quote
Allegiant has a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 12.49 compared with 13.70 for the industry. The company possesses a Value Score of A.
Allegiant Travel Company PE Ratio (TTM)
Allegiant Travel Company pe-ratio-ttm | Allegiant Travel Company Quote
See the full list of top ranked stocks here.
Learn more about the Value score and how it is calculated here.
Research Chief Names "Single Best Pick to Double"
From thousands of stocks, 5 Zacks experts each have chosen their favorite to skyrocket +100% or more in months to come. From those 5, Director of Research Sheraz Mian hand-picks one to have the most explosive upside of all.
This company targets millennial and Gen Z audiences, generating nearly $1 billion in revenue last quarter alone. A recent pullback makes now an ideal time to jump aboard. Of course, all our elite picks aren’t winners but this one could far surpass earlier Zacks’ Stocks Set to Double like Nano-X Imaging which shot up +129.6% in little more than 9 months.
Free: See Our Top Stock And 4 Runners UpAllegiant Travel Company (ALGT) : Free Stock Analysis Report
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