It is never too late to invest in mutual funds for retirement. As such, if you plan to invest in some of the best funds, the Zacks Mutual Fund Rank can provide you with valuable guidance.
How can you tell a good mutual fund from a bad one? It's pretty basic: if the fund is diversified, has low fees, and shows strong performance, it's a keeper. Of course, there's a wide range, but using the Zacks Mutual Fund Rank, we've found three mutual funds that would be great additions to any long-term retirement investors' portfolios.
Let's take a look at some of our top-ranked mutual funds with the lowest fees.
If you are looking to diversify your portfolio, consider
Fidelity Advisor Series Equity Growth
(FMFMX). FMFMX is a Large Cap Growth mutual fund, and these funds invest in many large U.S. firms that are projected to grow at a faster rate than their large-cap peers. This fund is a winner, boasting an expense ratio of 0.01%, management fee of 0%, and a five-year annualized return track record of 21.02%.Goldman Sachs US Equity Insights A
(GSSQX) is a stand out amongst its peers. GSSQX is classified as a Large Cap Blend fund. More often than not, Large Cap Blend mutual funds invest in companies with a market cap of over $10 billion. Buying stakes in bigger companies offer these funds more stability, and are well-suited for investors with a "buy and hold" mindset. With five-year annualized performance of 14.91%, expense ratio of 0.92% and management fee of 0.52%, this diversified fund is an attractive buy with a strong history of performance.GMO Global Developed Equity Allocation FdIII
(GWOAX): 0.01% expense ratio and 0% management fee. GWOAX is an Allocation Balanced mutual fund. Allocation Balanced funds look to invest across asset types, like stocks, bonds, and cash, and including precious metals or commodities is not unusual; these funds are mostly categorized by their respective asset allocation. With a five-year annual return of 10.22%, this fund is a well-diversified fund with a long track record of success.There you have it. If your financial advisor had you put your money into any of our top-ranked funds, then they've got you covered. If not, you may need to talk.
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