APAN Spotlight: Taiwai Yun on the Importance of Reaching out Across Community Lines in Times of Unrest

In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we speak with members and leaders of our APAN (Asian Professionals at Nasdaq) employee resource group (ERG) to learn more about their roles at Nasdaq, the impact they drive every day and how other groups can be allies to the Asian community at large. We spoke with Taiwai Yun, a motion graphics designer at Nasdaq.
What is your role at Nasdaq and what does it entail?
As a motion graphics designer on the marketing team, my primary responsibility is the creative that goes on the Tower and Marquee signs at MarketSite in Times Square. I work closely with the events, broadcast, wall ops and listings teams to facilitate our IPO and bell clients.
What role do you serve within APAN and why did you decide to take on this leadership role?
When I joined Nasdaq two years ago, the SAPAN (South Asian Professional at Nasdaq) was transitioning to APAN. I was invited by my colleague, Rohini Shahriar, who was one of the co-leads of the network. I was humbled by the opportunity to help our community reach a broader audience.
What is a memorable event or initiative you’ve had part in planning at APAN?
In 2019, we celebrated Diwali and invited Deepak Chopra to the MarketSite for a fireside chat. We also had a live dance performance and a henna tattoo artist onsite to apply beautiful designs. It was a wonderful event. Additionally, last February, we were able to organize the Lunar New Year celebration at multiple locations, right before the pandemic swept the whole world.
How can groups outside of the APAN network be allies to the Asian community in a time of unrest?
I believe if members of a society can treat each other with respect and courtesy, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and other factors, most issues would disappear. Showing a conscious effort to support people outside of your community in times of injustice or discrimination is a sign of strength and unity – the best way to combat narrow-minded intolerance and stereotypes.
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