American Well Corporation - Class A (AMWL) shares closed 1.8% lower than its previous 52 week low, giving the company a market cap of $1B. The stock is currently down 16.6% year-to-date, down 80.4% over the past 12 months, and down 78.2% over the past five years. This week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.5%, and the S&P 500 fell 1.7%.
Trading Activity
- Trading volume this week was 0.3% lower than the 20-day average.
- Beta, a measure of the stock’s volatility relative to the overall market stands at 0.7.
Technical Indicators
- The Relative Strength Index (RSI) on the stock was under 30, indicating it may be underbought.
- MACD, a trend-following momentum indicator, indicates a downward trend.
- The stock closed above its Bollinger band, indicating it may be overbought.
- The stock closed at 10.0% lower than its 5-day moving average, 18.4% lower than its 20-day moving average, and 40.1% lower than its 90-day moving average.
Market Comparative Performance
- The company's share price is the same as the S&P 500 Index , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis
- The company's share price is the same as the Dow Jones Industrial Average , lags it on a 1-year basis, and lags it on a 5-year basis
Per Group Comparative Performance
- The company's stock price performance year-to-date lags the peer average by 356.0%
- The company's stock price performance over the past 12 months lags the peer average by 803.9%
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